Visualization of C. elegans tissues reveals endogenous polyP
(A) A representative dissected adult N2 worm stained with EcPPXbd-mCherry and DAPI and the differential interference contrast (DIC) image, shown in overlay.
(B) Similar images to those in (A): intestinal and gonadal tissue dissected from N2 adults and stained with EcPPXbd-mCherry. The worms were raised on either wild-type MG1655 E. coli or a ppk deletion mutant. Bottom row: worms were stained with mCherry alone. Higher-resolution images are shown in Figure S1.
(C) Overview illustration of cryoblocking protocol.
(D) Representative image of adult worms stained with DAPI and EcPPXbd-EGFP showing full body lengths of sectioned adjacent worms.
(E) Left: Z-projections of three 10 μm sections of adult N2s stained with EcPPXbd-mCherry (pseudocolored red) and DAPI (pseudocolored teal) and fed either wild-type or ppk/ppx knockout OP50 bacteria. Right: graph of relative EcPPXbd-mCherry fluorescent signal in intestines of worms fed either strain of bacteria (mean +/− SD). All scale bars represent 200 μm.