Figure EV1. TEM of myocardium and ultrastructural features of mitochondria in C10 G58R on Dele1+/− and Dele1 KO backgrounds.
(A) Kernel density plots showing distribution of mitochondrial areas for indicated genotypes, measured from TEM images of heart mitochondria. Median values and, in parentheses, interquartile ranges are reported adjacent to curves. N = 2 animals per genotype except for Tfam mKO; Dele1 KO, where only 1 animal was available. >600 mitochondria were measured per animal. P value was <0.0001. Bar and error bars represent mean and SD, respectively. (B) Bar graph comparing the areas of segmented and non-segmented types of electrolucent mitochondria that were obtained from analysis of C10 G58R animals and littermates in (A). Statistics were performed using Mann–Whitney test, as the data had a non-parametric distribution. **** indicates p ≤ 0.0001. (C–E) Representative TEM images acquired at 2000× direct magnification show areas of myocardium of indicated genotype used for analysis of mitochondria. Scale bar = 5 µm. (F) Image of the subarea boxed yellow in (D), acquired at 5000× direct magnification and representative of the images used to quantify ultrastructural features of mitochondria detailed in Fig. 3. Scale bar = 2.5 µm. (G) Examples of inclusions observed in C10 G58R mutant mitochondria (black arrows). Scale bar = 500 nm. (H) Examples of two types of electrolucent mitochondria characterized by an enlarged matrix area absent of electron-dense substance and fewer cristae. (Top) A uniformly electrolucent mitochondrion. (Bottom) a segmented mitochondrion that has an electrolucent part (white arrow) separated from a portion of normal-looking matrix and cristae by a cut-through cristae. Open black arrowhead indicates the junction between electrolucent and normal portions of the segmented mitochondria. Scale bar = 500 nm. Please note: mitochondrion in (H, bottom) also appears in bottom right corner of image (J, top). (I) Mitochondria that are fully wrapped by electron-dense phagosome membranes (black arrows). Scale bar = 500 nm. (J) Mitochondria with ruptured OMMs. Open white arrowheads indicate sites where the intact IMM is visible, but OMM is absent. Scale bar = 500 nm. Please note: mitochondrion in image (H, bottom) also appears in the lower right corner of (J, top). Source data are available online for this figure.