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. 2024 Oct 8;43(22):5548–5585. doi: 10.1038/s44318-024-00242-x

Reagents and tools table

Reagent/Resource Reference or Source Identifier or Catalog Number
Experimental Models
CHCHD10 G58R mouse Shammas et al, 2022 MGI:7532640
CHCHD10 S59L mouse Liu et al, 2020
CHCHD2/CHCHD10 DKO mouse Liu et al, 2020
OMA1 KO mouse Quirós et al, 2012 MGI:5426689
Dele1 KO mouse This study
OPA1 ∆s1 mouse This study
OPA1 ∆s1 primary neonatal fibroblasts This study
Ckmm-cre mouse Brüning et al, 1998 JAX stock #006475
Tfamfl/fl mouse Hamanaka et al, 2013 JAX stock #026123
Recombinant DNA
OMA1 ASOs and control ASOs

Shammas et al, 2022

Ionis Pharmaceuticals

Mouse monoclonal anti-OPA1 BD Bioscience 612606
Mouse monoclonal anti-OMA1 Santa Cruz SC-515788
Rabbit polyclonal anti-HSP90 Proteintech 13171-1-AP
Mouse monoclonal anti-β-ACTIN Sigma A2228
Rabbit monoclonal anti-eIF2α Cell Signaling 5324
Rabbit monoclonal anti-p-eIF2α Cell Signaling 3597
Rabbit polyclonal anti-MTHFD2 Proteintech 12270-1-AP
Mouse monoclonal anti-Puromycin Sigma MABE343
IRDye 800CW Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H + L) LI-COR Biosciences 926-32211
IRDye 680RD Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H + L) LI-COR Biosciences 926-68070
IRDye 800CW Goat anti-Mouse IgG2a-Specific LI-COR Biosciences 926-32351
Mouse monoclonal anti-P62 Abcam AB56416
Mouse monoclonal anti-ubiquitinylated proteins antibody, clone FK2 Sigma 04-263
Rabbit monoclonal anti-Ubiquitin FK2 StressMarq SMC-550D
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Laminin Abcam AB11575
Mouse monoclonal anti-Dystrophin, exons 31/32. DSHB MANDYS1, 3B7/ AB_528206
Mouse monoclonal anti-Myosin heavy chain (slow, alpha- and beta-) (type 1) DSHB BA-F8/ AB_10572253
Mouse monoclonal anti- Myosin heavy chain Type IIA DSHB SC-71/AB_2147165
Mouse monoclonal anti- Myosin heavy chain Type IIB DSHB 10F5/AB_1157896
Alexa 488 Goat anti-Mouse IgG1 Invitrogen A-21121
Alexa 647 Goat anti-Mouse IgG2a Invitrogen A-21241
Alexa 555 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H + L) Invitrogen A-32732
Alexa 488 Goat anti-mouse IgM Invitrogen A-21042
Alexa 488 Goat anti-mouse IgG2a Invitrogen A-21131
Alexa 488 Goat anti-mouse IgG2b Invitrogen A-21141
Alexa 647 Goat anti-mouse IgG1 Invitrogen A-21240
Alexa 647 Goat anti-rabbit (H + L) Invitrogen A-32728
Alexa 555 Goat anti-mouse IgG1 Invitrogen A-21127
Oligonucleotides and other sequence-based reagents
Genotyping primer 1 of Dele1 KO mice This study TGATGGTGTGACTGTCCCTT
Genotyping primer 2 of Dele1 KO mice This study GGTTGTCTGAGACCCATCTGA
Genotyping primer 1 of OPA1 ∆s1 mice This study CGTGCACCCCACTTACTTTT
Genotyping primer 2 of OPA1 ∆s1 mice This study ATGCAAAGTCCCAGGAAAGA
Chemicals, Enzymes and other reagents
Paraformaldehyde 16% aqueous, EM grade Electron Microscopy Sciences 15710
Glutaraldehyde 50% aqueous, EM grade Electron Microscopy Sciences 16320
Phosphate Buffered Saline Lonza, Fisher, or Corning
Sodium Cacodylate Buffer, 0.2 M, pH 7.4 Electron Microscopy Sciences 11653
Calcium Chloride, 2 M Quality Biological, Inc. 351-130-721
Osmium Tetroxide 4% aqueous solution Electron Microscopy Sciences 19150
Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) trihydrate Sigma-Aldrich P3289-100G
Sodium Acetate Trihydrate Electron Microscopy Sciences 21120
Uranyl Acetate Electron Microscopy Sciences 22400
Ethyl Alcohol, 200 proof The Warner-Graham Co. 6505001050000
Embed 812 Embedding Kit with Dmp-30 Electron Microscopy Sciences 14120
BanII Endonuclease NEB R0119S
BSA fraction V MP Biomedicals 02160069
BCA kit Thermo Scientific 23225
Direct-zol RNA Miniprep Kit Zymo R2051
RNeasy Fibrous Tissue Mini Kit QIAGEN 74704
RNeasy Lipid Tissue Mini Kit QIAGEN 74804
Carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) Sigma-Aldrich C2759-100MG
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) Corning 25-950-CQC

NEBNext® Ultra™ II Directional

RNA Library Prep Kit

New England Biolabs E7660
RIPA buffer

Cell Signaling


Protease/Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail

Cell Signaling


ProLong Diamond Antifade Mountant Invitrogen P36965
Triton X-100 Sigma-Aldrich X100-5ML
Dithiothreitol (DTT) Bio-Rad Laboratories 1610611
4x Laemmli Sample Buffer Bio-Rad Laboratories 1610747
Dry milk powder Dot Scientific DSM17200-1000
4–15% Criterion TGX Precast Midi Protein Gel Bio-Rad Laboratories 5671084
7.5% Criterion TGX Precast Midi Protein Gel Bio-Rad Laboratories 5671024
MyTaq Red Mix, Bioline BIO-25044
SYBR Safe DNA Gel Stain Invitrogen S33102
Clariom S Mouse microarray Affymetrix/Applied Biosystems 902931
Seahorse XF Pro M FluxPak Mini Agilent Technologies 103777-100
Adobe Illustrator 2023 Adobe
Adobe Photoshop 2023 Adobe
Fiji/ImageJ NIH RRID:SCR_002285
Cellpose 2.0 Pachitariu and Stringer, 2022
LabelsToROIs of FIJI plugin Waisman et al, 2021
Transcriptome Analysis Console Software, version 4.0.1 Affymetrix RRID:SCR_018718
Perseus MaxQuant RRID:SCR_015753
Image Studio, v5.2 LI-COR RRID:SCR_0157 95
GraphPad Prism, version 10.1.0 (264) RRID:SCR_0027 98
Empanada-napari Conrad and Narayan, 2023, Cell Systems 14, 58-71
MitoNet plugin Conrad and Narayan, 2023, Cell Systems 14, 58-71


Discoverer 2.4

Thermo Fisher Scientific
Binner Kachman et al, 2020
MetaboAnalyst 6.0

Raudvere et al, 2019

Mouse Heart Slicer Matrix, 1 mm coronal section Zivic Instruments HSMS001-1
Grip strength instrument BIOSEB EB1-BIOGS3
1.5H coverslips Thorlabs CG15KH
Confocal laser scanning microscope Olympus FLUOVIEW FV3000
Seahorse XF Pro Analyzer Agilent Technologies
UltiMate 3000 high pressure liquid chromatography instrument Thermo Fisher Scientific
Orbitrap Lumos mass spectrometer Thermo Fisher Scientific