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. 2016 May 23;7(1):10.1128/ecosalplus.ESP-0002-2016. doi: 10.1128/ecosalplus.esp-0002-2016

Table 6.

Properties of the E. coli aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes

aaRS gene and map position a Coordinates b Promoter c Regulation d
alaS 60.72 (−) 2,817,403 ← 2,820,033 UG: recX (−) DG: csrA (−) p alaSp TIS: 2820112; 79 nt from TIC (535) Transcriptional autoregulation (536)
argS 42.2 (+) 1,958,086 → 1,959,819 UG: yecM (−) DG: yecT (+) argSp TIS: 195828; 58 nt from TIC ρ-independent terminator (537)
asnS 21.27 (−) 986,808 ← 988,208 UG: pcnB (−) t DG: ompF (−) p asnSp TIS: 988267; 59 nt from TIC (538)
aspS 41.96 (−) 1,946,774 ← 1,948,546 UG: yecD (+) DG: nudB (−) p aspSp TIS: 1948641; 95 nt from TIC aspSp1: 1948725; 179 nt from TIC (539)
cysS 11.94 (+) 553,834 → 555,219 UG: ppiB (−) DG: ybcI (−) cysSp TIS: 553800 (+); 34 nt from TIC Putative ρ-independent terminator (540)
glnS 15.2 (−) 705,316 → 706,980 UG: nagE (−) t DG: ybfM (−) glnSp2 TIS: 705222; 94 from TIC (541) glnSp1 TIS: 705283; 33 from TIC ρ-independent terminator (542) Possible regulation by incompletely characterized loci: glnU and glnR (543); see also 544 for comments. glnSp1: −10 carries a Dam methylation site. Expression of glnS is decreased by methylation (545). glnSp2: σ70 (D) and σ32 (H) activated (541). Possibly under director indirect control of OmpR (546)
gltX 54.26 (−) 2,517,279 ← 2,518,694 UG: valU (+) DG: yfeD (+) gltXp1 TIS: 2518806: 112 nt from TIC gltXp2: 2518798; 104 nt from TIC gltXp3 TIS: 2518752; 58 nt from TIC (547) Repressed by Fis (483)
glyQ 80.23 (−) glyS 80.19 (−) 3,722,430 ← 3,723,341 3,720,351 ← 3,722,420 UG: ysaB (−) DG: sokA (+) glyQS operon Putative glyQp TIS: 3723377; 36 nt from TIC ρ-independent terminator (549)
hisS 56.84 (−) 2,637,323 ← 2,638,597 UG: sroE (−) DG: yfgM (−) p hisSp TIS: 2638664; 67 nt from TIC (550)
ileS 0.48 (+) 22,391 → 25,207 UG: ribF (+) p DG: lspA (+) p ribFp: 21383; 1008 nt from TIC ileSp1: 21833; 558 nt from TIC ileSp2: 22034; 357 nt from TIC (551) ileSp3: 22229; 162 nt from TIC (541) ileSp3: σ32 (H) activated (541)
leuS 14.47 (−) 671,424 ← 674,006 UG: ybeL (+) p DG: lptE (−) No experimental evidence, but putative promoter and terminator proposed (552) Possible regulation by incompletely characterized mutants leuX and leuY (553, 554) and/or leuR (555); see also reference 544 for comments
lysS 65.34 (−) 3,031,679 ← 3,033,196 UG: prfB (−) p DG: idi (+) xerD-dsbC-recJ-prfB-lysS operon xerDp: 3037873; 108 nt from TIC (xerD) (541) dsbCp2: 3037655; 811 nt from TIC (dsbC) (556) (dsbCp): 3036856; 12 nt from TIC (dsbC) (557) prfBp: 3034342–47; 38–43 nt from TIC (prfB) (558) xerDp: σ32 (H) (556) and σ24 (E)-activated promoter (541, 557) dsbCp2: σ24 (E)-dependent promoter (556) dsbCp: CpxR and σ24 (E) activated promoter (557)
lysU 93.78 (−) 4,351,223 ← 4,352,740 UG: yjdL (−) DG: yjdO (+) lysUp1: 4352828; 88 nt from TIC lysUp2: 4352820; 80 nt from TIC (559) lysUp1: repressed by Lrp (560). Under control of rlu and lrp; see text
metG 47.25 (+) 2,192,322 → 2,194,355 UG: mrp (−) DG: molR (+) p metGp0+ 2192081; 241 nt from TIC metGp+: 2192290;32 nt from TIC (561) Possible autoregulation by a tRNA-like structure in the mrp gene (561)
pheM (leader peptide) 38.74 (−) pheS (α subunit) 38.71 (−) pheT (β subunit) 38.66 (−) 1,797,250 ← 1,797,294 1,795,983 ← 1,796,966 1,793,581 ← 1,795,968 UG: rplT (−) t DG: ihfA (−) p pheST operon pheMp: 1797325 (−); 31 nt from pheM (562, 563) Regulated by phenylalanyl-tRNAPhe levels (leader peptide-dependent attenuation) (562, 564). Possibly regulated by oxygen availability (Fnr and ArcA) via readthrough from rplT (565, 566). Regulated by IHF and SOS (567); see text
proS 4.68 (−) 217,057 ← 218,775 UG: yaeB (−) DG: yaeF (−) proSp: 218837; 62 nt from TIC putative ρ-independent terminator. Gene called DrpA (568)
serS 20.23 (+) 938,651 → 939,943 UG: rarA (+) DG: dmsA (+) p serSp: 938589; 62 nt from TIC (569) Possible regulation by incompletely characterized locus serR (555); see also reference 544 for comments
thrS 38.77 (−) 1,798,666 ← 1,800,594 UG: arpB (+) DG: infC (−) p thrS-infC operon thrSp: 1800757 (−); 163 nt from TIC (570) Translational autoregulation (205, 563), see text. NsrR binding site in regulatory regions (571)
trpS 75.67 (−) 3,510,656 ← 3,511,660 UG: rpe, gph (−) p DG: yhfZ (−) rpe-gph- trpS operon rpep: 3513175; 94 from TIC of rpe (572) trpSp: 3511719; 59 from TIC of trpS (573) Not under autogenous miaAor trpR control (573)
tyrS 36.94 (−) 1,713,972 ← 1,715,246 UG: pdxH (−) p DG: pdxY (−) p pdxH-tyrS-pdxY operon tyrSp2: 1715307 (−); 61 from TIC (538) tyrSp1: 1715293 (−); 47 from TIC (574)
valS 96.54 (−) 4,479,005 ← 4,481,860 UG: holC (−) p DG: yjgN (+) valSp1: 4481950; 90 nt from TIC valSp2: 4481942; 82 nt from TIC; ρ-independent terminator (575)

Listed are the names of the aaRS genes and the positions in centisomes. The direction of transcription is with increasing (+) or decreasing (−) centisomes.


Listed are the coordinates of the different genes of the E. coli K12 MG1655 strain ( and the name of the upstream gene (UG) and downstream gene (DG), with the direction of transcription followed by either p, indicating that the gene has his own promoter, or by t, indicating that the gene is followed by a (putative) ρ-independent terminator. The information comes from EcoCyc ( or regulon database ( (538).


Listed are the coordinates of the transcription initiation site (TIS) and the distance in nucleotides between the TIS and the A of the AUG of the translation initiation codon (TIC). The gene is followed by a sequence resembling a ρ-independent terminator when indicated.


Given is the type of regulation, if known.