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. 2024 Oct 9;18(1):2402749. doi: 10.1080/19336950.2024.2402749

Figure 4.

Panels A-B show representative concentration–response curves of single experiments for KcvNTS and KcvS for the blockers TPrA and TPeA. All curves have the typical Hill-shape with a Hill factor of 1. Panel E shows the KD for both channels and all blockers in this study over a voltage range from approximately -100 mV to -160 mV. All KD curves rise to higher values with negative voltages with similar steepness. KD decreases with blocker size. For TPrA and TBA, the KD in KcvS is slightly lower than in KcvNTS.

Representative concentration response curves of inhibition Inhexp for (a,b) TPrA (9 Å diameter) and (c,d) TPeA (10.5 Å) in (a,c) KcvNTS and in (b,d) KcvS as obtained from the data in Figure 3 and Figure S2, respectively. Fit with Eq. 5. (e) Voltage dependence of apparent KD (as obtained from fits like those in Figure 4a–d) for the different blockers in KcvNTS (filled circles) and KcvS (open circles). TMA: purple, TEA: green, TPrA: dark blue, TBA: yellow, TPeA: light blue, THxA: orange. *: At these voltages, the KD for TPrA and TBA differ significantly from each other in KcvNTS and KcvS. “n.s.:” The KD for TPeA (KcvNTS and KcvS) and TPeA (KcvNTS) do not differ significantly at any voltage. One-parameter ANOVA with threshold p = 0.05.