Supplementary Table 1.
Author | Year of Publication | Number of Patients | Age/Gender | Initial Presentation | Duration From MG to MoS | Antibody Status | Thymus Status | Treatment | Outcome | Additional Comments |
Briani et al.[8] | 2010 | 1 | 40/M | Generalised MG followed by MoS | 1 year | AchR and VGKC positive | Thymoma (B3) | IVIG with steroids | Death | MoS with recurrence of thymoma |
Lee et al.[9] | 1998 | 1 | 46/M | Generalised MG followed by MoS | 1 year | AchR and VGKC positive | Non-invasive cortical thymoma (B2) | PE with steroids and azathioprine | Improved | Associated with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis |
Nagappa et al.[7] | 2017 | 1 | 54/M | MG followed by MoS | NS | NS | Thymectomy not done | NS | Death | NS |
Weiss et al. | 2012 | 1 | 22/M | Simultaneous | - | Both Positive | - | Steroids, IVIG and Rituximab | Improved | Associated with Kawasaki Disease |
Anna Sadnika et al. | 2010 | 1 | 76/M | Generalised MG followed by MoS | 6 years | Both antibodies and anti-striational antibodies positive | Underwent thymectomy before MoS onset (Biopsy NA) | PE, IVIG, steroids and Rituximab | NS | Co-existent CIDP |
Koge et al | 2016 | 1 | 40/F | MG followed by MoS | 1 year | Both positive | - | IVMP, PE and IVIG | Frequent relapses | complicated with MEFV gene mutations |
Gwenolé Abgrall et al | 2015 | 1 | 60/M | MG followed by MoS | 8 years | Both positive | Thymoma | IVMP, PE and IVIG and Rituximab | Partially improved | Status dissociatus and disturbed dreaming |
Huiqin Liu et al | 2022 | 1 | 49/M | MG followed by MoS | 1 year | Both positive with anti LGI-1, GABABR and titin positive | Thymoma | Steroids, IVIG and Rituximab | Improved | Associated nephrotic syndrome and cutaneous amyloidosis |
Manera et al | 2007 | 1 | 46/F | Simultaneous | - | Both and anti-MuSK positive | Thymic hyperplasia | prednisolone, IVIG, ciclosporin, and rituximab | Improved | - |
Yasuo et al | 1989 | 1 | 30/M | Simultaneous | - | NA | Thymoma | Steroids | Improved | - |
Seong-il Oh et al | 2022 | 1 | 67/M | Generalised MG followed by MoS | 2 years | AchR positive and other anitbodies unavailable | Thymoma | Symptomatic treatment | Status quo | - |
Masrori et al | 2020 | 1 | 63/M | Ocular myasthenia followed by MoS | 13 years | CASPR2 positive | Thymoma | Steroids, PE and azathioprine | Improved | - |
Evoli et al.[10] | 2002 | 4 NMT; 1 LE out of 207 patients with MG operated for thymoma | NA | MG followed by MoS | NA | VGKC negative | Thymoma | PE | Improved | MoS was transient and improved quickly. |
Irani et al.[3] | 2012 | 9 | NA | NA | NA | CASPR2 and AChR positive in all | Thymoma in all patients with MoS and MG | PE, IVIG, IVMP | Outcome poor compared to those without thymoma | NS |
Gastaldi et al.[4] | 2019 | 5 NMT; 2/5 MoS | 42.2* (3F, 2M) | MG | NA | AChR positive, CASPR, LGI, Netrin | Thymoma B2 | Thymectomy, IST | 2 MoS- 1 death, 1 remission | NS |
*Mean age (33- 57 range). AchR: Acetylcholine receptor, CASPR -2: Anti-contactin-associated protein-like 2, CIDP: Chronic inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy, F: Female, IST- Immunosuppressive Therapy, IVMP: Intravenous Methylprednisolone, IVIG: Intravenous Immunoglobulin, LGI-1: Leucine rich glioma inactivated-1, LE: Limbic Encephalitis, M: Male, MoS: Morvan’s syndrome, MuSK: Muscle specific kinase, MG: Myasthenia Gravis, NMT: Neuromyotonia, NA: Not available, PE: Plasma exchange, VGKC: Voltage gated potassium channel, NS: Not specified