Figure 2.
Correlation map between AMPAR density (SUVR) and FCD in 35 healthy participants. Color gradation of each ROI in Hammers atlas reflects the degree of the mean correlation coefficient. (A) Correlation map between SUVR and srFCD. 32 regions where all the participants showed adjustments were displayed (p < 0.05/90). All 29 regions in the cortex were spatial autocorrelation-corrected with spin-based permutation (p < 0.05). (B) Correlation map between SUVR and lrFCD. 41 regions where all the participants showed statistically significant correlation coefficients after multiple comparison adjustments were displayed (p < 0.05/90). All 36 regions in the cortex were spatial autocorrelation-corrected with spin-based permutation (p < 0.05). AMPAR, α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid receptor; lrFCD, long-range functional connectivity density; srFCD, short-range functional connectivity density; SUVR, standardized uptake value ratio; FCD, functional connectivity density.