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. 2024 Nov 19;14(11):e70568. doi: 10.1002/ece3.70568


The number of procellariiform sequences included in the final three reference databases, one for each genetic marker, including the number of sequences per species and the number of unique haplotypes per species.

N sequences in database 1005 2282 153
N species in database 93 133 38
N genera in database 26 25 14
Mean number (and range) of sequences per species 11 (1–152) 17 (1–192) 4 (1–35)
Mean number (and range) of haplotypes per species 2.7 (1–33) 3.1 (1–16) 3.2 (1–15)
Alignment length including gaps (bp) 310 261 361
Range of individual sequence lengths (bp) 308–310 261 304–334