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. 2024 Nov 6;15:1485306. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2024.1485306


Characteristics of women giving birth in each GLH area.

GLH 1 (n = 56,349) GLH 2 (n = 112,864) GLH 3 (n = 54,248) GLH 4 (n = 32,171) GLH 5 (n = 86,582) GLH 6 (n = 68,386) GLH 7 (n = 64,489) Total (N = 475,089) p-value
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Maternal age, years
 <20 2,086 (3.7) 2,406 (2.1) 1,367 (2.5) 1,062 (3.3) 3,109 (3.6) 3,397 (5.0) 2,374 (3.7) 15,801 (3.3) <0.001
 20-<25 8,311 (14.7) 12,370 (11.0) 5,702 (10.5) 4,126 (12.8) 12,363 (14.3) 11,170 (16.3) 9,301 (14.4) 63,343 (13.3)
 25-<30 16,323 (29.0) 28,121 (24.9) 12,785 (23.6) 8,512 (26.5) 24,639 (28.5) 20,368 (29.8) 18,502 (28.7) 129,250 (27.2)
 30-<35 18,278 (32.4) 39,281 (34.8) 19,198 (35.4) 11,294 (35.1) 28,332 (32.7) 21,021 (30.7) 21,099 (32.7) 158,503 (33.4)
 ≥35 11,351 (20.1) 30,686 (27.2) 15,196 (28.0) 7,177 (22.3) 18,139 (21.0) 12,430 (18.2) 13,213 (20.5) 108,192 (22.8)
Maternal Ethnicity
 White 43,551 (80.8) 65,430 (59.3) 37,264 (70.8) 28,033 (89.8) 58,126 (71.4) 53,728 (79.7) 46,945 (75.8) 33,3077 (72.6) <0.001
 Asian/Asian British 5,745 (10.7) 24,273 (22.0) 5,139 (9.8) 1,101 (3.5) 13,382 (16.4) 7,618 (11.3) 8,599 (13.9) 65,857 (14.4)
 Black/Black British 2,058 (3.8) 9,174 (8.3) 5,512 (10.5) 762 (2.4) 4,815 (5.9) 2,348 (3.5) 2,594 (4.2) 27,263 (5.9)
 Mixed 1,191 (2.2) 3,533 (3.2) 1,916 (3.6) 596 (1.9) 2,205 (2.7) 1,275 (1.9) 1,233 (2.0) 11,949 (2.6)
 Other 1,377 (2.6) 7,933 (7.2) 2,774 (5.3) 715 (2.3) 2,842 (3.5) 2,470 (3.7) 2,528 (4.1) 20,639 (4.5)
Missing 2,427 2,521 1,643 964 5,212 947 2,590 16,304
Index of Multiple Deprivation
 Quintile 1 (Most deprived) 12,160 (22.0) 20,520 (18.3) 10,175 (18.8) 4,945 (15.4) 24,426 (28.9) 25,588 (37.6) 27,023 (42.5) 124,837 (26.6) <0.001
 Quintile 2 11,008 (19.9) 31,682 (28.2) 14,288 (26.4) 7,191 (22.4) 14,949 (17.7) 13,942 (20.5) 12,089 (19.0) 105,149 (22.2)
 Quintile 3 11,203 (20.3) 23,670 (21.1) 12,069 (22.3) 8,153 (25.4) 15,027 (17.8) 10,288 (15.1) 9,072 (14.3) 89,482 (19.1)
 Quintile 4 10,924 (19.8) 18,833 (16.8) 9,667 (17.9) 6,777 (21.1) 15,197 (18.0) 10,226 (15.0) 8,353 (13.1) 79,977 (17.1)
 Quintile 5 (Least deprived) 9,988 (18.1) 17,666 (15.7) 7,823 (14.5) 5,014 (15.6) 14,897 (17.6) 7,974 (11.7) 7,075 (11.1) 70,437 (15.0)
Missing 1,066 493 226 91 2,086 368 877 5,207
Complex social factor indicator
 No 49,913 (88.6) 94,485 (85.0) 47,293 (87.2) 28,834 (90.1) 71,121 (85.5) 58,602 (86.8) 53,470 (84.5) 403,718 (86.3) <0.001
 Yes 6,393 (11.4) 16,679 (15.0) 6,943 (12.8) 3,177 (9.9) 12,091 (14.5) 8,874 (13.2) 9,801 (15.5) 63,958 (13.7)
Missing 43 1,700 12 160 3,370 910 1,218 7,413

Note: p-values from chi-square test.

Abbreviation: GLH: genomic laboratory hub.