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. 2024 Jul 31;32(11):1347–1360. doi: 10.1038/s41431-024-01634-7

Table 2.

List of the genes related to Bardet-Biedl syndrome (at the date of 08/2023).

Gene symbol BBS Gene synonyms Gene category OMIM Phenotype Nb variations (Class 4/5) reported Status Reference sequence (RefSeq) Chromosome Total nb exons CDS length (nt) Protein length (AA)
BBS1 BBS1 BBSome 209900 BBS, RP > 180 Core NM_024649.4 11 17 1782 593
BBS2 BBS2 BBS2L1 BBSome 606151 BBS, RP > 140 Core NM_031885.3 16 17 2166 721
ARL6 BBS3 RP55 Other 608845 BBS, RP > 30 Core NM_032146.4 3 11 561 186
BBS4 BBS4 BBSome 600374 BBS > 70 Core NM_033028.4 15 18 1560 519
BBS5 BBS5 BBSome 603650 BBS > 40 Core NM_152384.2 2 17 1026 341
MKKS BBS6 Chaperonin-like 604896 BBS, RP+polydactyly > 70 Core NM_018848.3 20 7 1713 570
BBS7 BBS7 BBSome 607590 BBS > 60 Core NM_176824.2 4 20 2148 715
TTC8 BBS8 RP51 BBSome 608132 BBS, RP > 20 Core NM_144596.2 14 16 1518 515
BBS9 BBS9 PTHB1 BBSome 607968 BBS, RP > 60 Core NM_198428.2 7 24 2559 887
BBS10 BBS10 Chaperonin-like 610148 BBS, RP > 180 Core NM_024685.3 12 2 2172 723
TRIM32 BBS11 HT2A, TATIP Other 602290 BBS, LGMD 1 paper reporting a single BBS case (homozygous missense), many cases of LGMD Questioned NM_012210.3 9 2 1962 653
BBS12 BBS12 Chaperonin-like 610683 BBS > 100 Core NM_152618.2 4 3 2133 710
MKS1 BBS13 FLJ20345, POC12, BBS13 Other 609883 BBS, MKS Mostly truncating variants in MKS patients. Few missenses. No clear association with BBS (clinical details and variant missing) Need replication NM_017777.3 17 20 1680 559
CEP290 BBS14 NPHP6, CEP290, MKS4, JBTS5, SLSN6 Other 610142 BBS, LCA, MKS, NPHP, JBTS, SLNS 3 truncating variants in 2 families with corresponding phenotype (2 papers) Need replication NM_025114.3 12 55 7440 2479
WDPCP BBS15 fritz, hFrtz, CPLANE5 Other 613580 BBS, RP, MKS, OFD 1 splice variant in 1 family Need replication NM_015910.5 2 19 2469 746
SDCCAG8 BBS16 CCCAP, NPHP10, NY-CO-8, SLSN7 Other 613524 BBS, NPHP, SLSN > 10 Core NM_006642.3 1 21 2141 713
LZTFL1 BBS17 Other 606568 BBS 3 variants (2 truncating + 1 missense). 3 patients in 2 families. Need replication NM_020347.3 3 10 2360 299
BBIP1 BBS18 BBIP10 BBSome 613605 BBS 2 families + functional data.


Need replication

NM_001195304.1 10 5 312 103
IFT27 BBS19 RAYL IFT 615870 BBS 3 families + functional data. Core NM_001177701.1 22 7 1104 186
IFT172 BBS20 NPHP17 IFT 607386 BBS, RP, SRTD Truncating variants + missenses, 10 families (personal communication) Core NM_015662.2 2 48 5247 1749
CFAP48 BBS21 FLJ30600, CORD16, RP64, FAP418, MOT25, C8orf37 Other 614477 BBS, RP 1 truncating variant in 1 family Need replication NM_177965.3 8 6 624 207
IFT74 BBS22 CCDC2 IFT 608040 BBS, JBTS Truncating variants, 3 families + functional data Core NM_025203.3 9 20 1803 600
CEP19 BBS23 C3orf34 Other 615586 BBS, Morbid Obesity 1 truncating variant in 1 family Need replication NM_032818.4 3 3 504 168
SCAPER BBS24 ZNF291 Other 611611 BBS, RP + /-ID, RP 3 reports and non-supporting BBS phenotype

Need replication


NM_001353009.1 15 33 4211 1406
CEP164 BBS25 NPHP15 Other 614848 BBS, NPHP, JBTS 1 truncating variant in 1 family Need replication NM_014956.4 11 33 4383 1460
SCLT1 BBS26 Other 611399 BBS, SLSN, OFD 2 splice variants (one in frame deletion) in 2 families Need replication NM_144643.4 4 21 2067 689
NPHP1 NPH1, JBTS4, SLSN1 607100 NPHP Modifier NM_000272.3 2 20 2202 733
CCDC28B MGC120, RP4-622L5.5 610162 Modifier
TMEM67 MKS3, MGC26979, JBTS6, NPHP11 609884 MKS, NPHP Modifier
TTC21B FLJ11457, JBTS11, NPHP12,IFT139B, THM1, FAP60, FLA17 IFT139 612014 Modifier
Total 446 56934 18261

The publication references linked to the genes can be found with the OMIM number. The official genes names and their synonyms (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee) are given together with other annotations. Status of the gene regarding the syndrome has been assessed into several categories including gene undoubtedly associated with BBS (“Core”), gene with good evidence but requires confirmation (“Need replication”) and gene with some evidence but of low impact (“Questioned”). BBS Bardet-Biedl Syndrome, CDS Coding sequence, ID Intellectual Disability, JBTS Joubert Syndrome, LCA Leber Congenital Amaurosis, LGMD Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, MKS Meckel Syndrome, NPHP Nephronophtisis, OFD Oro Facio Digital syndrome, RP Retinitis Pigmentosa, SLNS Senior-Løken Syndrome, SRTD Short-Rib Thoracic Dysplasia.