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. 2024 Nov 12;2:1–52. doi: 10.1162/imag_a_00347

Table 1.

Current processing blocks in, with brief descriptions.

Automatic blocks setup and initialization; not user specified, always used
setup: check args, set run list, make output directory, copy stim files
tcat: copy input datasets and remove unwanted initial TRs
Default blocks standard steps; user may skip, modify or rearrange
tshift: slice timing alignment on volumes
volreg: volume registration (for reduction of subject motion effects)
blur: blur each volume (default is 4 mm FWHM)
mask: create a “brain” mask from the EPI data
scale: scale each run mean to 100, for each voxel (max of 200)a
regress: regression analysis (stimulus model, filter, censor, etc.)
Optional blocks default is to not apply these blocks, but the user can add
align: align EPI and anatomy (linear affine)
combine: combine echoes into one
despike: truncate spikes in each voxel’s time series
empty: placeholder for some other user command
ricor: RETROICORb - removal of cardiac/respiratory regressors
surf: project volumetric data into the surface domain (via SUMAc)
tlrc: warp anatomical volume to a standard space or template
Implicit blocks not user-specified, but performed when appropriate
blip: perform B0 distortion correction
outcount: temporal outlier detection
QC_review: generate QC review scripts and HTML report (APQC HTML)
anat_unif: anatomical uniformity correction

The automatic and implicit blocks are not specified by the user in the “-blocks” option list; the former will always be performed, and the user can still manage their behavior with options, such as “-tcat_remove_first_trs” and more. The implicit blocks will be automatically added in an appropriate spot within the processing stream when the user adds a relevant option, such as “-blip_forward_dset” for the blip block. The users can see where and how these blocks are performed in detail within the created processing script.