Combined analysis of volatile flavor substances by GC–MS and GC-IMS. Wayne diagram of volatile flavor substances (A); bar chart of volatile flavor substance types (B); PLS-DA score plot based on GC–MS (C); VIP score plot based on GC–MS (D); PLS-DA score plot based on GC-IMS (E); VIP score plot based on GC-IMS (F). CK: untreated; US: ultrasonication (250 W, 4 min, 30 °C, 40 kHz); L: inoculation with L. fermentum CGMCC 1.7434; D: inoculation with D. hansenii GDMCC 2.149; LD: inoculation with L. fermentum CGMCC 1.7434 and D. hansenii GDMCC 2.149; US-LD: inoculation with L. fermentum CGMCC 1.7434 and D. hansenii GDMCC 2.149 after ultrasonic pretreatment (250 W, 4 min, 30 °C, 40 kHz).