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. 2024 Aug 5;75:102771. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2024.102771

Table 1.

Characteristics of rectal cancer patients in Sweden treated with total neoadjuvant treatment according to the LARCT-US concept.

Prospective LARCT-US Register AdmL
Total 273 189
Age, median (range) 63 (28–79) 65 (24–81)
Gender, male 162 (60) 111 (59)
ECOG performance status
 0 200 (73) NA
 1 71 (26) NA
 Not known 2 (1)
ASA class
 1 43 (16) 15 (8)
 2 141 (51) 103 (55)
 3+ 38 (14) 44 (23)
 Not known 51 (19) 27 (14)
Clinical T- and N-status
 cT3N0 4 (1) 9 (5)
 cT2-3N+ 124 (45) 67 (36)
 cT4N0 12 (4) 17 (9)
 cT4N+ 133 (49) 96 (51)
Risk factors
 cT4 145 (53) 113 (59)
 cN2 176 (64) 95 (50)
 MRF+ 196 (72) 155 (82)
 EMVI+ 165 (60) 83 (44)
 LN+ 64 (23) 42 (22)
Number of risk factors
 1 50 (18) 32 (20)
 2 77 (28) 41 (26)
 3 71 (26) 42 (24)
 4 54 (20) 41 (24)
 5 21 (8) 11 (6)
Tumour level
 Low <5 cm 74 (27) 62 (33)
 Mid 5–10 cm 93 (33) 76 (41)
 High ≥10 cm 106 (39) 51 (27)

AdmL, Ad modum LARCT-US. Data for all risk factors (N-status, EMVI and LN) were unavailable for 22 (13%) patients in AdmL. Risk factors were at least one in 12 patients, at least two in nine patients, and at least three in one patient. Thus, the actual presence of risk factors was greater than shown in the AdmL-group. Data were complete concerning cT4 and MRF + where higher percentages were observed in the AdmL group. Percentages are calculated based upon the 164–176 patients where all information was available.

NA, not available; ECOG, Eastern Co-operative Oncology Group; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; MRF+, mesorectal fascia involvement; EMVI+, extramural vascular involvement; LN+, lateral nodes involved.