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. 2024 Nov 20;14:95. doi: 10.1186/s13561-024-00569-5

Table 1.

Descriptive statistics

Sources Unit Obs MEAN SD MIN MAX
Dependent variables
Children fully vaccinated GSO [0,1] 504 0.956 0.044 0.640 1.000
Independent variables
GEOSS over GDP GSO (%) 739 8.140 5.526 0.006 34.944
GEOSS on logarithm GSO Bill. VND 731 5.560 0.986 2.460 8.000
Control variables
Population on logarithm GSO Thous. People 743 7.066 0.583 5.592 9.109
Literacy GSO % 756 92.631 7.039 59.200 99.200
Private sector labor share Le-Van and Tran [34] % 716 88.327 10.305 29.790 99.281
GRDP per capita on logarithm GSO mill. VND 743 3.282 0.566 2.150 5.466
Variables for mechanism tests
Nurse numbers on logarithm GSO 1 person 630 6.883 0.629 4.533 9.558
Midwives number on logarithm GSO 1 person 630 5.896 0.500 4.543 7.969
Nurse over hospital on logarithm GSO person/1 hospital 630 4.223 0.411 2.037 5.646
Nurse over medical station on logarithm GSO person/1 station 629 1.846 0.496 -0.209 3.783
Midwives over hospital on logarithm GSO person/1 hospital 630 3.235 0.356 2.150 4.032
Midwives over medical station on logarithm GSO person/1 station 629 0.856 0.462 -0.481 2.204
Moderate variables (Female students, Institutional quality, and Infrastructures
Female student on logarithm GSO 1 person 756 11.528 0.534 10.058 13.466
Preprimary female student on logarithm GSO 1 person 756 10.796 0.527 9.268 12.785
Secondary female student on logarithm GSO 1 person 756 10.432 0.537 8.940 12.323
High school female student on logarithm GSO 1 person 756 9.794 0.632 7.881 11.721
Business support services PCIa [0,10] 630 5.449 1.177 1.750 8.750
Law & Order PCI [0,10] 630 5.551 1.101 2.000 7.990
Class numbers on logarithm GSO 1 class 756 8.843 0.453 7.732 10.521
School numbers on logarithm GSO 1 school 693 6.019 0.414 5.142 7.383
Hospital numbers on logarithm GSO 1 hospital 630 0.996 0.130 0.476 1.397
Library number on logarithm GSO 1 library 567 2.643 0.601 1.609 5.710
Library book numbers on logarithm GSO 1 book 554 5.607 0.652 2.797 8.202
Magazine office on logarithm GSO 1 office 630 1.471 0.798 0.693 6.480
External instrumental variable
Balance tax sources from the central government and targeted tax revenues on logarithm Ministry of Finance Mill. VND 630 16.310 0.557 15.185 18.857

Source: Authors. Vaccination data is available from 2010 to 2019, excluding 2011 and 2012, which gives a maximum of 504 observations. Other datasets begin in 2008, allowing for up to 756 observations in total
