Table 1.
Phase | Strengths | Needs |
Pre-diagnosis | – |
“It was no possible to make an appointment at the health centre”
“We always have to wait a long time whenever we go to the emergency room”
“Dermatological emergencies are a thing of the past. You go to the emergency room, they treat the symptoms (prick), and send you home”
“Some doctors just don’t have much empathy. They will tell you not to scratch, but that’s about it”
“It took them a while to get me in to see the specialist” |
Diagnosis |
“I had a great experience with the dermatologists. They’re all very professional”
“In my case, the diagnosis was pretty quick” |
“It’s pretty clear that there’s room for improvement in the communication between primary care and dermatology”
“This happened years ago, but I was initially diagnosed with something else, and it took some time to receive the correct diagnosis”
“I don’t know what to do about a flare”. |
Treatment |
“The hospital pharmacy was really helpful and professional”
“In the hospital pharmacy they explain everything very well and if necessary, they administer the treatment”. |
“Why are there so many treatments that don’t work?”
“Lack of information on eg which foods not to eat”.
“After the treatment, I got herpes, but nobody told me about the possible side effects”
“The phototherapy was helpful, but it wasn’t enough to get the disease under control”
Follow-up |
“You can also contact the dermatologist by Email if you don’t want to wait for an in-person appointment”.
“They take my preferences into account as I try to lengthen my medication”.
“They only ask about itching as a symptom”
“It’s been about three to four months since we started treatment, and we have not had a follow-up visit yet”
“It’s tough to get in touch with the dermatologist for follow-up questions”
“It’s pretty tough to get referred to psychological care”
“If you go to the ED, then you have to make an appointment in dermatology, which will take a while. There is no possibility of referral from the ED” |
Note: Brackets indicate participants who identified the strengths and needs in the care pathway.
Abbreviations: AD, atopic dermatitis; ED, Emergency Department; HCPs, healthcare professionals; PC, Primary Care; PROM, patient-reported outcomes measures.