Dengue associated uveitis |
Detection of dengue IgM antibodies, Fluorescein angiographic examinations, OCT scan |
Rift valley fever associated uveitis |
Detection of IgM antibodies, Estimate the rising titer of IgG antibody, PCR technique, Fluorescence angiography |
West Nile infection associated uveitis |
Detection of IgM antibody in infected blood serum or in CSF, OCT scan |
Chikungunya associated uveitis |
Virus can detected in blister fluid by PCR, Viral genome in their CSF sample, IgM antibodies for Chikungunya, FFA, OCT scan |
Zika virus associated uveitis |
RT-PCR technique, CT scan, IgM antibody can be detected in CSF |
HIV associated uveitis |
Count of CD4+, FFA, Detection of HIV related antibodies |
Covid-19 |
Ebola virus infection associated uveitis |
RT-PCR, Viral culture technique, OCT scan |
Epstein-Barr virus infection associated uveitis |
PCR, Histopathological examination of the ocular specimen, Detection of IgM antibodies, Viral capsid antigen (VCA) IgG and IgM can also be detected |
Syphilitic uveitis |
Rapid plasma regain (RPR), Venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test, Microhemagglutinin assay, Fluorescent treponemal, Antibody absorption test |
Ocular tuberculosis |
Isolation of Mycobacterium TB from ocular region, PCR testing also perform on ocular fluid, Tuberculin skin sensitivity test, Radiological findings, Gamma interferon release assay |