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. 2024 Nov 20;14:60. doi: 10.1186/s12348-024-00444-8

Table 1.

List of investigations for confirmed diagnosis of specific type of infectious uveitis

Type of infectious uveitis Investigations
Dengue associated uveitis Detection of dengue IgM antibodies, Fluorescein angiographic examinations, OCT scan
Rift valley fever associated uveitis Detection of IgM antibodies, Estimate the rising titer of IgG antibody, PCR technique, Fluorescence angiography
West Nile infection associated uveitis Detection of IgM antibody in infected blood serum or in CSF, OCT scan
Chikungunya associated uveitis Virus can detected in blister fluid by PCR, Viral genome in their CSF sample, IgM antibodies for Chikungunya, FFA, OCT scan
Zika virus associated uveitis RT-PCR technique, CT scan, IgM antibody can be detected in CSF
HIV associated uveitis Count of CD4+, FFA, Detection of HIV related antibodies
Covid-19 RT-PCR, OCT, FFA
Ebola virus infection associated uveitis RT-PCR, Viral culture technique, OCT scan
Epstein-Barr virus infection associated uveitis PCR, Histopathological examination of the ocular specimen, Detection of IgM antibodies, Viral capsid antigen (VCA) IgG and IgM can also be detected
Syphilitic uveitis Rapid plasma regain (RPR), Venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test, Microhemagglutinin assay, Fluorescent treponemal, Antibody absorption test
Ocular tuberculosis Isolation of Mycobacterium TB from ocular region, PCR testing also perform on ocular fluid, Tuberculin skin sensitivity test, Radiological findings, Gamma interferon release assay