Table 2.
Literature on the study of lemon peel oil as a fuel in SI engines.
Reference with year | Engine type | Test condition | Blend type and ratio | Comparison of various parameters with that of sole Gasoline | Key conclusion | ||||||
Performance | Combustion | Emission | |||||||||
BTE | BSFC | CP | HRR | CO | NOx | HC | |||||
Velavan et al.39, (2020) |
Twin cylinder Four-stroke Port fuel injection CR: 9.5:1 RP: 25.74 kW |
Load test (BP: 1.6, 3.2, 4.8, 6.4, 8 kW) Engine Speed @ 2400 rpm |
LPO : Gasoline 10:90 20:80 30:70 |
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10% LPO blended gasoline exhibited better engine characteristics than sole gasoline. Gasoline can be replaced by LPO by 10% without any engine modification. |
Biswal et al.42, (2020) |
Single cylinder Four-stroke Port fuel injection CR – 10:1 |
Load test (BMEP: 2.35, 3.52, 4.7 bar) Engine Speed @ 1500 rpm |
LPO : Gasoline 20:80 40:60 |
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LPO may be utilized up to 40% as a partial substitute for gasoline in PFI-equipped SI engines with the penalty of NOx emissions without requiring substantial engine modification. |
Biswal et al.43, (2020) |
Single cylinder Four-stroke Port fuel injection CR – 10:1 |
Load test (BMEP: 2.35, 3.52, 4.7 bar) Engine Speed @ 1500 rpm |
LPO : Gasoline 40:60 Ethanol : Gasoline 20:80 LPO: Ethanol: Gasoline 20:20:60 40:20:40 |
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LPO: Ethanol: Gasoline :: 40:20:40 blend showed comparable performance to that of sole gasoline. The blend has the potential to replace the gasoline by 60% without requiring any changes in existing engines. With the use of 10% EGR, the NOx is reduced. |
CR compression ratio, RP rated power, BP brake power, BMEP brake mean effective pressure, BTE brake thermal efficiency, BSFC brake specific fuel consumption, CP cylinder pressure, HRR heat release rate, CO carbon monoxide, NOx oxides of nitrogen, HC hydrocarbon, ‘<’ lesser than, ‘>’ greater than, ‘~’ comparable.