Fig. 1. Handedness manipulation of propagating antiferromagnetic magnon.
a Magnetic resonance frequency for right-handed (RH) and left-handed (LH) precession modes in colinear antiferromagnets as a function of the magnetic field. b, c Left panels, illustrations of magnon eigenmode with RH and LH precession modes. The handedness of propagating antiferromagnetic magnons in perpendicularly magnetized synthetic antiferromagnet (SAF) can be manipulated by tuning the excitation microwave frequency to either or at a fixed magnetic field, as indicated by the black dotted line in (a), which corresponds to the condition where the degeneracy of two magnon modes is lifted. The handedness-dependent spin current is emitted through the spin pumping effect into heavy metal (HM) layers and its -polarized component shown in the figure is converted to charge current through the inverse spin Hall effect.