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. 2024 May 31;95(6):1915–1933. doi: 10.1111/cdev.14122


Dependent variables, verbatim question text, and relevant citations for 12 consequence items included in study design.

Dependent variable (consequence item) Question text Relevant citations
Positive behaviors
Victim's Future Trust of Offender Do you think [victim] will trust [offender] to watch their [scooter/laptop] when they go inside? van der Wal et al. (2016)
Victim's Prosocial Thoughts about the Offender Do you think [victim] will think nice things about [offender]?

McCullough (2001)

Oostenbroek & Vaish (2019a)

Victim's Empathy for the Offender Do you think [victim] will try to think about how [offender] feels? Zechmeister & Romero (2002)
Negative behaviors
Victim's Avoidance of Offender Do you think [victim] will try to avoid [offender]?

Oostenbroek & Vaish (2019a)

Strelan (2018)

Gromet & Okimoto (2014)

Victim's Willingness to Gossip about Offender Do you think [victim] will say mean things about [offender] to the other [kids at school/people at work]? Recchia et al. (2019)
Victim's Pursuit of Revenge Do you think [victim] will try to get back at [offender] for what they did?

Smith & Warneken, 2016

Recchia et al. (2019)

Offender Recidivism Do you think that [offender] will [commit the same violation] again in the future? Bregant et al. (2016)
Affective change
Victim's Positive Affect Do you think [victim] will feel calm and happy?

van der Wal et al. (2016)

Strelan et al. (2017)

Strelan et al. (2020)

Offender's Positive Affect Do you think [offender] will feel calm and happy?
Bystander's Positive Affect Do you think the other [kids at school/people at work] will feel safe and happy?

Bregant et al. (2016)

Okimoto & Wenzel (2009)

Affiliative interest
Others' Interest in Affiliating with the Victim Do you think the other [kids at school/people at work] will want to [play/work] with [victim]? Oostenbroek & Vaish (2019a)
Others' Interest in Affiliating with the Offender Do you think the other [kids at school/people at work] will want to [play/work] with [offender]?

Smith et al. (2010)

Yao & Chao (2019)

Note: Relevant citations provided theoretical grounding for consequence items and question text but did not include any of the items verbatim.