ν ~ Gamma(2,0.2) |
Student T degrees of freedom |
η ~ Normal(0,10)+
LKJ correlation parameter |
L ~ LKJCholesky(η)
Lower triangular factor |
σ ~ Normal(0, 1)+
Diagonal scale of covariance |
λ ~ Normal(0, 1) |
Pre-transformed choice kernel time constant |
π = Phi(λ) |
Choice kernel time constant |
Ω = LL′ |
Correlation Matrix |
D = σ ⊙I
Scale Matrix |
∑ = D ΩD
Covariance Matrix |
μ ~ StudentT(ν, 0,5) |
Initial prior mean |
β1 ~ StudentT (ν, μ, ∑) |
First session choice weight vector |
βd ~ StudentT (ν, βd
−1, ∑) |
d’th session choice weight vector |
l ~ Normal(− 2,0.5) |
Pre-transformed alpha |
α = softplus(l)
Scale factor on stimulus |
Transformed stimulus |
pt,d = logistic(xt,d · βd) |
Probability of right choice |
yt,d ~ Bernoulli (pt,d)
Distribution over choices |