(A-H’) FOXG1 and NTUB (red and green, respectively, in A-B’ and in E-F’) and NR2F1 and SOX2 (red and green, respectively, in C-D’ and in G-H’) immunostainings on day19 or on day26 WNTi and WNTi + FGF8 organoids, as indicated. FGF8 treatment did not significantly interfere with FOXG1 expression (A-B’, E-F’), while NR2F1 (which started to be detectable at low levels by immunostaining at day19 in WNTi organoids) was down-regulated by FGF8 (compare C,C’ with D,D’ or G,G’ with H,H’). (I-L’) FOXG1 and NTUB (red and green, respectively, in I-J’) and NR2F1 and SOX2 (red and green, respectively, in K-L’) immunostainings on day53 WNTi and WNTi + FGF8 organoids, as indicated. (M-P’) NR2F1 (red) and SOX2 (green) immunostaining in day74 (M-N’) and in day107 (O-P’) WNTi and WNTi + FGF8 organoids, showing that NR2F1 is still efficiently modulated by FGF8 20–25 days after end of the treatment (N, N’) but is gradually upregulated back to control levels in long-term cultured organoids (day107; P-P’). (Q) Graph shows pixel intensity quantification of FOXG1 levels after immunostaining of WNTi and WNTi + FGF8 organoids at different time points, as indicated. n≥8 sections from n≥4 organoids from n≥1 batch. (R) Graph shows pixel intensity quantification of NR2F1 immunostaining in WNTi and WNTi + FGF8 organoids at different time points, as indicated. NR2F1 level was efficiently downregulated by FGF8 treatment from day26 to day74, while it raised back at later time points. n≥6 sections from n≥4 organoids from n≥1 batch. Scale bars: 100 µm.
Figure 2—figure supplement 2—source data 1. FOXG1 staining intensity in WNTi and WNTi + FGF8 human organoids.GraphPad sheet with raw pixel intensity data measured in WNTi and WNTi + FGF8 organoids following FOXG1 immunostaining at different stages.
Figure 2—figure supplement 2—source data 2. NR2F1 staining intensity in WNTi and WNTi + FGF8 human organoids.GraphPad sheet with raw pixel intensity data measured in WNTi and WNTi +FGF8 organoids following NR2F1 immunostaining at different stages.