Table 2. Discussion Items Included in Prearrival Huddle Prior to an NRP Casea.
Discussion item | OPOs, No. (%) (N=38) |
Confirm type of NRP, TA-NRP vs A-NRP | 36 (95) |
Review 5-min hands-off period after death determined | 34 (89) |
Review transplant team communication expectations while participating in the recovery | 34 (89) |
Review the location of withdrawal of support (OR vs other) | 34 (89) |
Review the need for prerecovery huddle at donor hospital | 33 (87) |
Number of PRBCs the transplant team needs in the OR from the outset of case | 33 (87) |
Determine each transplant team’s threshold for FWIT and associated cutoff times | 29 (76) |
Will the patient require reintubation, and if so, what is the plan for reintubation? | 29 (76) |
Review head vessels will be clamped in TA-NRP cases at outset of the case | 27 (71) |
Determine if NRP will be pursued if the patient does not die within the specified timeframe for FWIT | 27 (71) |
Review transportation needs (air/ground) for transplant teams | 25 (66) |
Communicate the plan for prepping and draping the patient and the timing approved by the donor family | 24 (63) |
Length of time each team wants to remain on circuit (often heart teams would prefer shorter times compared to liver teams) | 24 (63) |
Will perfusion have additional needs (ie, oxygen tanks and vacuum lines)? | 23 (61) |
Required laboratory tests and who will bring the POC device to obtain laboratory test results | 22 (58) |
Will the heart team need a TEE, and if so, what is the plan for facilitating? | 22 (58) |
If more than 1 team interested in NRP, determine who will bring the ECMO equipment/personnel | 20 (53) |
Will the lung team need a bronchoscopy, and if so, what is the plan for facilitating? | 20 (53) |
Will transplant teams bring their own medications (vasopressors/inotrope)? | 17 (45) |
Will the patient come off circuit and stay off circuit after heart evaluation? Or will the patient go back on circuit? | 17 (45) |
Consider if there are laboratory test requirements of the donor hospital that cannot be performed by transplant teams with POC device | 14 (37) |
Other | 6 (16) |
Abbreviations: A-NRP, abdominal NRP; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; FWIT, functional warm ischemic time; NRP, normothermic regional perfusion; OR, operating room; POC, point of care; TA-NRP, thoracoabdominal NRP; TEE, transesophageal echocardiogram.
Prearrival huddles were conducted by 38 OPOs.