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. 2024 Oct 24;7(10):e2440130. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.40130

Table 2. Discussion Items Included in Prearrival Huddle Prior to an NRP Casea.

Discussion item OPOs, No. (%) (N=38)
Confirm type of NRP, TA-NRP vs A-NRP 36 (95)
Review 5-min hands-off period after death determined 34 (89)
Review transplant team communication expectations while participating in the recovery 34 (89)
Review the location of withdrawal of support (OR vs other) 34 (89)
Review the need for prerecovery huddle at donor hospital 33 (87)
Number of PRBCs the transplant team needs in the OR from the outset of case 33 (87)
Determine each transplant team’s threshold for FWIT and associated cutoff times 29 (76)
Will the patient require reintubation, and if so, what is the plan for reintubation? 29 (76)
Review head vessels will be clamped in TA-NRP cases at outset of the case 27 (71)
Determine if NRP will be pursued if the patient does not die within the specified timeframe for FWIT 27 (71)
Review transportation needs (air/ground) for transplant teams 25 (66)
Communicate the plan for prepping and draping the patient and the timing approved by the donor family 24 (63)
Length of time each team wants to remain on circuit (often heart teams would prefer shorter times compared to liver teams) 24 (63)
Will perfusion have additional needs (ie, oxygen tanks and vacuum lines)? 23 (61)
Required laboratory tests and who will bring the POC device to obtain laboratory test results 22 (58)
Will the heart team need a TEE, and if so, what is the plan for facilitating? 22 (58)
If more than 1 team interested in NRP, determine who will bring the ECMO equipment/personnel 20 (53)
Will the lung team need a bronchoscopy, and if so, what is the plan for facilitating? 20 (53)
Will transplant teams bring their own medications (vasopressors/inotrope)? 17 (45)
Will the patient come off circuit and stay off circuit after heart evaluation? Or will the patient go back on circuit? 17 (45)
Consider if there are laboratory test requirements of the donor hospital that cannot be performed by transplant teams with POC device 14 (37)
Other 6 (16)

Abbreviations: A-NRP, abdominal NRP; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; FWIT, functional warm ischemic time; NRP, normothermic regional perfusion; OR, operating room; POC, point of care; TA-NRP, thoracoabdominal NRP; TEE, transesophageal echocardiogram.


Prearrival huddles were conducted by 38 OPOs.