Figure 3.
Photographs showing representative structures in the Basal Unit flysch of southern Evia. (a; zone 35°N, 257753°E, 4236238°N) A shallowly dipping foliation (S1; avg. strike/dip 234°/31°) shows undulations related to NW‐SE trending folds (F2). A W‐dipping axial plane cleavage (avg. strike/dip 180°/56°) cross‐cuts the foliation (thick dashed yellow line). Older, now rootless intrafolial isoclinal F1 folds (thin dotted line: fold trace; thin solid line: axial plane) subparallel (21°–265°) to the exposed face. (b; same location as A) S/C‐type shear bands (thick dotted line) showing top‐to‐NE shear sense. (c; same location as a) Tiling of imbricated quartz vein segments (thick dotted lines) indicating top‐to‐NE shear sense. The W‐dipping axial plane cleavage (thick dashed line) resembles false antithetic C′‐type shear bands. (d; zone 35°N, 257328°E, 4236737°N) Tight to isoclinal F2 folds of S1. Axial plane dips moderately NW (232°/44°) with a NW‐plunging fold axis (35°–324°). Sample location EV20‐20. (e; zone 35°N, 254766°E, 4237485°N) Representative penetrative gently E‐dipping S3 foliation (strike/dip 353°/25°) from sample locality EV22‐07. (f; zone 35°N, 254513°E, 4239855°N) Spaced expression of S3 cleavage in a carbonate‐silicate schist. Orange arrows indicate location of scale. Scales: hammer: 27 cm long; 1€ coin: 23 mm diameter.