Table 1.
Control group | Lipid-based nutrient supplement (UCT + LNS) | Social and behavioural change communication (UCT + SBCC) | LNS and SBCC combinations (UCT + LNS + SBCC) |
Non-BISP households who received routine government health services but were ineligible to receive the UCT. |
A local product called Wawamum given to children aged 6–23 mo on a daily ration of 50 g (one sachet) to cover the recommended daily allowance of most micronutrients. |
Health, nutrition and hygiene messages were provided by LHWs during routine monthly household visits. |
Households received LNS and SBCC combinations. |
Community sessions were conducted with the help of a specialised picture-booklet by LHWs on a quarterly basis. |
A total of PKR 5000 or USD 32 on quarterly basis was transferred by BISP throughout the study period. |
A total of PKR 5000 or USD 32 on quarterly basis was transferred by BISP throughout the study period. |
A total of PKR 5000 or USD 32 on quarterly basis was transferred by BISP throughout the study period. |
434 households and children enrolled. | 430 households and children enrolled. | 433 households and children enrolled | 432 households and children enrolled |
BISP – Benazir Income Support Programme, LHW – Lady Health Worker, LNS – lipid-based nutrient supplement, SBCC – social and behaviour change communication, UCT – unconditional cash transfers, PKR – Pakistani Rupees