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. 2024 Nov 22;14:04186. doi: 10.7189/jogh.14.04186

Table 2.

Baseline characteristics of households, mothers and children by study arms*

Variables UCT (n = 434) UCT + SBCC (n = 433) UCT + LNS (n = 430) UCT + SBCC + LNS (n = 432)
Household size, x̄ (SD)
7.7 (2.5)
7.5 (2.5)
7.9 (2.5)
7.7 (2.5)
BISP poverty score, x̄ (SD)
11.32 (0.67)
12.47 (0.67)
11.00 (0.66)
11.55 (0.66)
Mother’s age in years, x̄ (SD)
28.7 (7.8)
31.0 (7.8)
28.6 (7.8)
29.6 (7.8)
Mother’s years of schooling, x̄ (SD)
1.5 (3.7)
0.9 (3.7)
1.4 (3.7)
1.0 (3.7)
Total pregnancies, x̄ (SD)
4.2 (2.6)
4.4 (2.6)
4.0 (2.6)
4.2 (2.6)
Mother’s BMI, x̄ (SD)
22.4 (3.7)
21.7 (3.8)
22.0 (3.8)
22.0 (3.8)
Mother’s height in cm, x̄ (SD)
154.2 (6.3)
155.2 (6.4)
154.1 (6.4)
153.3 (6.4)
Father’s years of schooling, x̄ (SD)
2.9 (4.3)
3.1 (4.3)
3.0 (4.3)
2.8 (4.3)
Father’s height in cm, x̄ (SD)
164.6 (6.4)
165.0 (6.6)
167.0 (6.6)
167.6 (6.5)
Child’s age in months, x̄ (SD)
6.2 (0.3)
6.3 (0.3)
6.3 (0.3)
6.2 (0.3)
Child’s length in cm, x̄ (SD)
64.4 (2.8)
64.5 (2.7)
64.1 (2.7)
63.9 (2.7)
Child’s weight in kg, x̄ (SD)
6.7 (1.3)
6.7 (1.3)
6.7 (1.3)
6.7 (1.3)
Improved water
424 (97.7)
433 (100.0)
418 (97.2)
418 (96.8)
Improved sanitation facility
313 (72.1)
254 (58.7)
323 (75.1)
175 (40.5)
Wood as fuel for cooking
355 (81.8)
270 (62.4)
278 (64.7)
360 (83.3)
Mother's occupation

392 (90.3)
429 (99.1)
381 (88.6)
421 (97.4)
Working woman
42 (9.7)
4 (0.9)
49 (11.4)
11 (2.5)
Mother’s BMI in kg per m2

Underweight (<18.5)
74 (18.3)
87 (20.5)
83 (19.6)
78 (18.7)
Normal (18.5–24.9)
232 (57.3)
254 (59.9)
242 (57.2)
249 (59.7)
Overweight (25–29.9)
72 (17.8)
66 (15.6)
73 (17.3)
70 (16.8)
Obese (≥30)
27 (6.7)
17 (4.0)
25 (5.9)
20 (4.8)
Child’s gender

240 (55.3)
224 (51.7)
226 (52.6)
225 (52.1)
194 (44.7)
209 (48.3)
204 (47.4)
207 (47.9)
108 (24.9)
115 (26.6)
120 (27.9)
115 (26.8)
103 (23.8)
113 (26.1)
111 (25.9)
108 (25.1)
54 (12.5)
53 (12.2)
55 (12.8)
52 (12.1)
Ever breastfed
434 (100.0)
433 (100.0)
430 (100.0)
432 (100.0)
Breastfeeding at six months
402 (92.6)
398 (91.9)
396 (92.1)
379 (87.7)
All vaccination by six months
407 (93.8)
362 (83.6)
406 (94.4)
397 (91.9)
Illness during last two weeks

High grade fever
337 (77.7)
307 (70.9)
240 (55.8)
225 (52.1)
248 (57.1)
169 (39.0)
167 (38.8)
90 (20.8)
ARI 224 (51.6) 91 (21.0) 102 (23.7) 12 (2.8)

ARI – acute respiratory infections, BMI – body mass index, BISP – Benazir Income Support Programme, LNS – lipid-based nutrient supplement, SBCC – social and behaviour change communication, UCT – unconditional cash transfers, x̄ – mean

*Proportions and means are cluster adjusted. Presented as n (%) unless specified otherwise.