Figure 1.
Epidemic curve of probable and confirmed autochthonous dengue cases and public health measures taken to contain a dengue outbreak, Fano, Italy, August–October 2024 (n = 199)
ED: emergency department; GORES: Regional Operational Group for Health Emergencies; GPs: general practitioners; ISS: Istituto Superiore di Sanità; IZSUM: Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Umbria-Marche; LHA: Local Health Authority; MoH: Ministry of Health; RHA: Regional Health Authority; Rt: net reproduction number.
Panel A. Confirmed (blue) and probable (yellow) dengue cases by date of symptom onset are presented. The area shaded in light blue indicates the Rt and the 95% confidence intervals. The grey shaded area indicates the window of the possible reporting delay.