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. 2024 Sep 16;40(1):231–242. doi: 10.1007/s00467-024-06520-4

Table 2.

Intraoperative characteristics for living donor paediatric kidney transplants at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead and Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick, from 2009 to present (n = 39). Data were collected from the electronic medical record

Variables n = 39

Site of implantation, n (%)

- Right extraperitoneal

- Right intraperitoneal

- Left extraperitoneal

- Left intraperitoneal

20 (51)

16 (41)

2 (5)

1 (3)

Operation time (min), mean (SD) 283 (66)
Cold ischaemic time (min) (n = 10), mean (SD) 162 (111)
Warm ischaemic time (min)(n = 35), median (IQR) 41 (35–46)
CVP immediately before revascularisation (mmHg) (n = 23), mean (SD) 11 (5)
CVP immediately after revascularisation (mmHg) (n = 24), mean (SD) 11 (5)
Average CVP after revascularisation (mmHg) (n = 23), mean (SD) 11 (4)
Average systolic BP after revascularisation (mmHg) (n = 25), mean (SD) 98 (13)
Average diastolic BP after revascularisation (mmHg) (n = 25), mean (SD) 49 (7)
Volume of fluid administered (mL/kg), mean (SD) 84 (39)

Fluid type, n (%)

- Crystalloid and colloid

- Crystalloid only

- Colloid only

32 (82)

6 (15)

1 (3)

Blood products administered, n 16 (41)
Urine output intraoperatively (n = 31), n 30 (77)
Inotropes administered, n (%) 34 (87)
Unplanned return to theatre, n 6 (15)

SD, standard deviation; IQR, interquartile range; CVP, central venous pressure; BP, blood pressure