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. 2024 Nov 8;8:e56437. doi: 10.2196/56437

Table 5.

Changes in secondary outcomes from baseline to postintervention (week 7 assessment) by treatment group.

VACT-CPa group (n=20) WL+TAUb group (n=22)

Baseline, median (IQR) Postintervention or week 7, median (IQR) P value Baseline, median (IQR) Postintervention or week 7, median (IQR) P value
Pain measures

POQ-VA pain severityc 7.5 (6.0-8.8) 7.0 (5.3-9.0) .60 7.0 (6.0-8.0) 7.5 (5.0-8.3) .75

POQ-VA pain functioningd 93.0 (76.0-108.5) 92.5 (70.5-108.8) .59 88.0 (80.1-101.7) 83.0 (77.8-99.6) .54
ACTe process measures

CPVI-Df 1.8 (1.0-2.5) 1.5 (0.7-2.6) .30 1.8 (0.8-2.7) 1.8 (0.8-2.4) .64

CPAQg-total 66.0 (58.0-81.8) 80.0 (67.3-85.5) <.001 80.0 (69.3-91.0) 82.0 (70.50-90.0) .78

CPAQ-AEh 27.5 (22.0-37.0) 36.0 (26.7-42.5) .001 39.5 (28.5-45.0) 36.5 (32.8-44.0) .79

CPAQ-PWi 38.5 (35.3-44.0) 41.5 (36.5-45.0) .19 44.5 (37.0-53.3) 45.5 (35.8-50.2) .54

MEAQ-BAj 36.5 (26.5-45.0) 39.5 (36.0-44.5) .07 32.0 (24.0-42.3) 32.5 (27.3-42.3) .13
Mental health and functioning measures

PCL-5k 27.5 (17.5-42.0) 31.0 (12.8-40.8) .63 21.0 (9.0-35.3) 21 (10.5-29.3) .65

PHQ-9l 18.5 (15.0-26.5) 18.0 (13.0-24.8) .03 17.0 (13.8-24.0) 18.5 (15.0-23.0) .40

VR-36 PCSm 39.2 (30.8-48.9) 41.3 (27.7-52.1) .68 53.7 (32.9-65.6) 52.6 (34.9-66.7) .38

VR-36 MCSn 44.6 (36.3-61.9) 46.4 (30.4-61.2) .82 52.5 (47.1-65.4) 53.4 (42.4-65.8) .76

aVACT-CP: Veteran Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Chronic Pain.

bWL+TAU: waitlist plus treatment as usual.

cPOQ-VA pain severity: Pain Outcomes Questionnaire—Short form—Pain Severity Score.

dPOQ-VA pain functioning: Pain Outcomes Questionnaire—Short form—Pain Functioning Score.

eACT: acceptance and commitment therapy.

fCPVI-D: Chronic Pain Values Inventory—Discrepancy Score.

gCPAQ-Total: Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire–Revised—Total Score.

hCPAQ-AE: Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire–Activity Engagement.

iCPAQ-PW: Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire–Pain Willingness.

jMEAQ-BA: Multidimensional Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire—Behavioral Avoidance Score.

kPCL-5: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist.

lPHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire-9.

mVR-36 PCS: Veterans RAND 36—Physical Component Score.

nVR-36 MCS: Veterans RAND 36—Mental Component Score.