Fig. 2. Metafiber design for generating tunable optical skyrmions.
a Ideal and simulated light field distributions of the skyrmion with components J0 and J1 in orthogonal linear polarizations. The first and second columns are ideal profiles and the third and fourth are simulated profiles. The intensity profiles in the longitudinal plane , and the intensity and phase profiles in the transverse plane (with marked by white lines in the first-row figures) are illustrated from top to bottom. b The manipulation of skyrmion/non-skyrmion states via input polarization angle . The vector distributions of major states are shown. c Normalized power curves with respect to the polarization angle. The intensity profiles of J0 and J1 of different polarization angles are inserted and marked in lines with dots. a.u.: arb. units. d The manipulation of topological transformation between different quasiparticles via quarter wave plate. e The maps on the Poincaré sphere in the transformation between skyrmion and non-skyrmion states in different polarization angles in simulation, with the corresponding skyrmion numbers Nsk.