Fig. 3.
Stimulated emission depletion microscopy reveals the structural organisation of cell-to-cell connections between A549 cells infected with rLCMV-GP1-FLAG. (A) A549 cells were infected with rLCMV-GP1-FLAG at an MOI of 0.2. and at 24 hpi, cells were fixed, stained for GP-1-FLAG (cyan) and F-actin (red), then visualized by stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED). An infected cell (left) and a zoom (right) region of interest (white box) are shown. Points of interest are indicated (arrows) to highlight punctate regions of LCMV GP-1 that exist along an F-actin branch. The bottom right panel is a magnified version of the region within the white box from the bottom left panel. (B) Line scan analysis of the region of interest in the zoomed merged image (white box), showing GP-1 peak intensities do not closely correspond to those of F-actin at this resolution.