Table 3.
Most widely evaluated measures within 3921 reports
No of records
SF-36 | 408 |
Sickness impact profile | 111 |
Nottingham health profile | 93 |
EORTC QLQ-C30 | 82 |
QALY | 79 |
EuroQol | 77 |
Health assessment questionnaire | 62 |
Arthritis impact measurement scales | 59 |
Quality of wellbeing scale | 53 |
General health questionnaire | 43 |
Health utilities index | 41 |
COOP charts | 33 |
Functional assessment of cancer | 32 |
WHOQOL | 24 |
Healthy years equivalent | 24 |
Beck depression inventory | 23 |
Asthma quality of life questionnaire | 21 |
McGill pain questionnaire | 19 |
WOMAC | 18 |
Hospital anxiety and depression scale | 18 |
Duke health profile | 17 |
SF-12 | 15 |
Psychological general wellbeing index | 15 |
St George's respiratory disease questionnaire | 15 |
MOS-HIV | 14 |
Rotterdam symptom check list | 14 |