Fig. 2. Acute deletion of RagA/RagB blocks early B cell development and abolishes germinal center B cells in Peyer’s patches.
A–E Tamoxifen was administered to animals intraperitoneally daily for 4 consecutive days. Mice were analyzed 7 days after the last injection. A Expression of B220 and CD43 in bone marrow (BM) lymphocytes from WT (n = 15) and CreERRragafl/flRragbfl/fl (n = 13) mice. Right, summaries of the percentages and numbers of B220loCD43–, B220hiCD43– and B220+CD43+ cells. B Expression of B220 and CD43 in BM lymphocytes from WT (n = 9) and CreERRptorfl/fl (n = 9) mice. Right, summaries of the percentages and numbers of B220loCD43–, B220hiCD43– and B220+CD43+ cells. C Expression of BP-1 and CD24 in BM B220+CD43+IgM– B cell precursors from WT (n = 15) and CreERRragafl/flRragbfl/fl (n = 13) mice. Right, summary of the percentages and numbers of fraction A (CD24−BP-1−), fraction B (CD24+BP-1−), and fraction C/C′ (CD24+BP-1+) cells. D Expression of BP-1 and CD24 in BM B220+CD43+IgM– B cell precursors from WT (n = 7) and CreERRptorfl/fl (n = 8) mice. Right, summary of the percentages and numbers of fraction A (CD24−BP-1−), fraction B (CD24+BP-1−), and fraction C/C′ (CD24+BP-1+) cells. E Expression of GL-7 and Fas in lymphocytes from the Peyer’s patches of WT (n = 12), CreERRragafl/flRragbfl/fl (n = 11), and CreERRptorfl/fl (n = 9) mice. Right, summary of the percentages and numbers of GC (GL-7+Fas+) B cells. Data in graphs represent mean ± SEM. ns, not significant. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001, two-tailed/unpaired Student’s t-test (A and B), one-way ANOVA (E), two-way ANOVA (C and D). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.