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. 2024 Nov 5;10(22):e40144. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e40144

Table 8.

Correlation analysis of hematological phenotypes with age and gender in the thalassemia-only group (taking --SEA/αα as an example)a.

Age groups Gender RBC ( × 1012/L) Hb (g/L) MCV (fL) MCH (pg) MCHC (g/L) RDW-CV (%) SF (ng/mL)
≤18 years (n = 114) 5.40 (5.03,5.79) 106.00 (97.00,112.00) 62.00 (60.00,64.50) 19.50 (18.90,20.50) 317.00 (308.00,321.00) 15.80 (15.10,17.00) 40.60 (27.73,59.09)
male (n = 64) 5.60 (4.99,5.76) 107.00 (94.50,113.00) 62.30 (60.35,65.25) 20.00 (19.05,20.60) 316.00 (307.50,322.50) 16.40 (15.05,17.90) 40.60 (32.80,59.50)
female (n = 50) 5.35 (5.00,5.80) 105.50 (97.00,109.50) 61.75 (59.35,64.33) 19.30 (18.80,20.13) 319.00 (307.75,320.25) 15.50 (15.18,16.53) 40.55 (24.20,58.90)
≥19 years (n = 338) 5.20 (4.68,5.50) 112.00 (1040.00,119.00) 67.60 (65.00,70.00) 21.70 (21.00,22.30) 320.00 (313.00,326.00) 15.50 (14.60,16.50) 66.27 (31.75,128.88)
male (n = 82) 5.59 (5.08,6.69) 127.00 (105.50,142.50) 69.00 (65.50,70.50) 21.90 (20.80,22.35) 314.00 (310.00,323.00) 15.80 (14.50,18.35) 163.00 (117.44,246.09)
female (n = 256) 5.10 (4.66,5.40) 110.00 (104.00,116.00) 67.30 (65.00,69.50) 21.55 (20.98,22.33) 321.00 (313.00,326.00) 15.45 (14.60,16.33) 49.05 (25.65,89.81)
Comparison of Hematological parameters between different age groupsa
p1 0.041b 0.005b 0.000b 0.000b 0.036b 0.107 0.016b
Comparison of hematological parameters in males berween different age groupsa
P2 0.238 0.004b 0.000b 0.000b 0.869 0.538 0.000b
Comparison of hematological parameters in females berween different age groupsa
P3 0.015b 0.066 0.000b 0.000b 0.042b 0.621 0.460
Comparison of hematological parameters between male and female in each age groupa
P4 (≦18 years of age group: Male VS Female) 0.951 0.851 0.362 0.251 0.902 0.107 0.481
P5 (≥19 years of age group: Male VS Femal) 0.001b 0.001b 0.171 0.833 0.026b 0.350 0.000b

Age and hematological parameters were statistically described by median (P25,P75). hematological parameters were compared by Wilcoxon rank sum test, with 95 confidence intervals (two-sided).


p < 0.05.