Overview of the macro‐elimination ELIMINATE program in Eastern Austria. Ten tertiary care centres in Eastern Austria collaborated on a macro‐elimination strategy targeting Hepatitis C. We re‐called individuals with a documented ‘last‐positive’ HCV RNA PCR from 2008 to 2020. Systematic outreach was conducted via telephone or mailed letter to re‐establish linkage to care. During the initial visit at the respective centres' outpatient clinic, we reassessed each patient's current HCV status and liver disease severity. Confirmed cases of HCV viraemia led to the immediate offer and, upon acceptance, start of direct acting antiviral (DAA) therapy. A follow‐up visit confirmed sustained virological response (SVR) through PCR re‐evaluation. DAA, direct acting antiviral agents; HCV, hepatitis C virus; Rx, prescription; SVR, sustained virological response.