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. 2024 Oct 17;43(28):5380–5400. doi: 10.1002/sim.10246


Algorithm for estimating Estimand 2 at time t.

Step 0a Define a set of interventions At, with At=na and At(j) is the jth element of At, j=1,,na.
Step 0b Set Y˜t=Yt.
For s=t,,1
Step 1a Estimate the conditional density gAs|Hs, see also Footnote 1.
Step 1b Estimate the conditional density gAs|As1,Hs1, see also Footnote 1.
Step 2 Set as=as(1), where as(1) is the sth element of intervention At(1)At.
Step 3a Plug in as(1) into the estimated densities from step 1, to calculate g^as(1)|hs and g^as(1)|as1(1),hs1.
Step 3b Calculate the weights wsas(1),c from (15) based on the estimates from 3a.
If g^as(1)|as1(1),hs1c, estimate gas(1)|as*(1),hs* as required by the definition of (15) for s*=s2,,0.
Step 4 Estimate Ewsas(1)cY˜s|As,Hs, see also Footnote 2.
Step 5 Predict Y˜s1=E^w^sas(1)cY˜s|As=as(1),ls based on the fitted model from step 4 and the given intervention as(1).
For t=0
Step 1a Estimate the conditional density gA0|L0, see also Footnote 1.
Step 1b Estimate the conditional density gA0, see also Footnote 1.
Step 2 Set a0=a0(1).
Step 3a Calculate g^a0(1)|l0 and g^a0(1).
Step 3b Calculate the weights w0a0(1),c. If g^a0(1)c, then mw,tat(1),c is undefined.
Step 4 Estimate EY˜0|A0,L0.
Step 5 Calculate m^w,tat(1),c=E^w(c)Ytat(1)=i=1nw0,i1w^0a0(1),cTY˜1; that is, obtain the estimate of Estimand 2 at at(1) through calculating the weighted mean of the iterated outcome under the respective intervention a0(1) at t=0.
Step 6 Repeat steps 2–5 for the other interventions At(j), j=2,,na. This yields an estimate of estimand 2 at t.
Step 7 Repeat steps 1–6 on B bootstrap samples to obtain confidence intervals.

Note: 1The conditional treatment densities can be estimated with (i) parametric models, if appropriate, like the linear model, (ii) nonparametric flexible estimators, like highly‐adaptive LASSO density estimation [32], (iii) a “binning strategy” where a logistic regression model models the probability of approximately observing the intervention of interest at time t, given one has followed the strategy so far and given the covariates, (iv) other options, like transformation models or generalized additive models of location, shape and scale [33, 34]. Items (i)–(iii) are implemented in our package mentioned below. 2The iterated weighted outcome regressions are recommended to be estimated data‐adaptively, because the weighted outcomes are often non‐symmetric. We recommend super learning for it [4], and this is what is implemented in the package mentioned below.