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. 2024 Nov 8;12:RP90695. doi: 10.7554/eLife.90695

Key resources table.

Reagent type (species) or resource Designation Source or reference Identifiers Additional information
Genetic reagent (M. musculus) C;129S4-Rag2tm1.1Flv Csf1tm1(CSF1)Flv Il2rgtm1.1Flv/J PubMed:21791433 MGI:J:177073 RRID:IMSR_JAX:017708
Genetic reagent (Homo sapiens) KYOUDXR0109B ATCC ACS-1023 Human-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)
Genetic reagent (Homo sapiens) NCRM6 NHLBI NCRM6 (female) iPSC line From CD34+ cells, Episomal vectors
Genetic reagent (Homo sapiens) MS19-ES-H NHLBI MS19-ES-H (female) iPSC line From PBMS cells, Cytotune Sendai Virus kit
Genetic reagent (Homo sapiens) NCRM5-AAVS1-CAG-EGFP NHLBI NCRM5-AAVS1-CAG-EGFP (clone 5) From CD34+ cells, NCRM5 (male) reporter iPSC line with CAG-EGFP targeted mono-allelically at AAVS1 safe harbor
Genetic reagent (Homo sapiens) ND2-AAVS1-iCAG-tdTomato NHLBI ND2-AAVS1-iCAG-tdTomato (clone 1) From fibroblast cells, ND2 (male) reporter iPSC line with insulated CAG-tdTomato targeted mono-allelically at AAVS1 safe harbor
Antibody anti-Iba1 (rabbit polyclonal) Wako Cat. #: 019-19741, RRID:AB_839504 IHC (1:500)
Antibody anti-human TMEM119 (rabbit polyclonal) Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: HPA051870, RRID:AB_2681645 IHC (1:100)
Antibody anti-human CD68 (mouse monoclonal) R&D Cat. #: MAB20401 IHC (1:100)
Antibody anti-human CD45 (mouse monoclonal) R&D Cat. #: FAB1430R IHC (1:100)
Antibody anti-human CD11b (mouse monoclonal) R&D Cat. #: FAB1699R IHC (1:100)
Antibody anti-human CX3CR1 (rat monoclonal) Invitrogen Cat. #: 61-6099-42 IHC (1:100)
Antibody anti-human HLA (mouse monoclonal) Invitrogen Cat. #: 11-9983-42 IHC (1:100)
Antibody anti-mouse CD11b (rat monoclonal) Bio-Rad Cat. #: MCA711G IHC (1:100)
Antibody anti-GFAP (rat monoclonal) Invitrogen Cat. #: 13-0300, RRID:AB_2532994 IHC (1:200)
Antibody anti-mouse TMEM119 (guinea pig polyclonal) Synaptic systems Cat. #: 400 004, RRID:AB_2832239 IHC (1:500)
Antibody anti-CD68 (rat monoclonal) Bio-Rad Cat. #: MCA1957, RRID:AB_322219 IHC (1:200)
Antibody anti-CD34 (rat monoclonal) eBioscience Cat. #: 14-0341 IHC (1:30)
Antibody anti-PU.1 (rabbit monoclonal) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: MA5-15064 IHC (1:200)
Antibody anti-Trem2 (rabbit monoclonal) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: 702886 IHC (1:100)
Antibody anti-CD45 (rat monoclonal) Bio-Rad Cat. #: MCA1388, RRID:AB_321729 IHC (1:100)
Antibody anti glutamine synthetase (mouse monoclonal) Millipore Cat. #: MAB302, RRID:AB_2110656 IHC (1:200)
Antibody anti-RBPMS (guinea Pig polyclonal Ab) Phosphosolutions Cat. #: 1832-RBPMS IHC (1:100)
Antibody anti-cone arrestin (rabbit polyclonal) Millipore Cat. #: AB15282, RRID:AB_1163387 IHC (1:200)
Antibody anti-calbindin (rabbit polyclonal) Swant Cat. #: CB-38a IHC (1:5000)
Antibody anti-PKCa (rabbit polyclonal) Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: P4334, RRID:AB_477345 IHC (1:200)
Antibody anti-RFP (rabbit polyclonal) RockLand Cat. #: 600-401-379-RTU IHC (1:100)
Antibody anti-Ki67-660 (rat monoclonal) eBioscience Cat. #: 50-5698-82, RRID:AB_2574235 IHC (1:50)
Antibody anti-P2RY12 (rabbit polyclonal) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: PA5-77671, RRID:AB_2736305 IHC (1:100)
Antibody anti-P2RY12 (rabbit polyclonal) Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: HPA014518, RRID:AB_2669027 IHC (1:100)
Antibody Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Alexa Fluor 488 Invitrogen Cat. #: A27034, RRID:AB_2536097 IHC (1:200)
Antibody Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Alexa Fluor 568 Invitrogen Cat. #: A11011, RRID:AB_143157 IHC (1:200)
Antibody Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Alexa Fluor 647 Invitrogen Cat. #: A32733, RRID:AB_2633282 IHC (1:200)
Antibody Goat anti-mouse IgG Alexa Fluor 488 Invitrogen Cat. #: A28175, RRID:AB_2536161 IHC (1:200)
Antibody Goat anti-mouse IgG Alexa Fluor 568 Invitrogen Cat. #: A-11004, RRID:AB_141371 IHC (1:200)
Antibody Goat anti-mouse IgG Alexa Fluor 647 Invitrogen Cat. #: A-21235, RRID:AB_141693 IHC (1:200)
Antibody Donkey anti-Rat IgG Alexa Fluor 488 Invitrogen Cat. #: A-21208, RRID:AB_141709 IHC (1:200)
Antibody Donkey anti-Rat IgG Alexa Fluor 594 Invitrogen Cat. #: A-21209, RRID:AB_2535795 IHC (1:200)
Antibody Donkey anti-Rat IgG Alexa Fluor 650 Invitrogen Cat. #: SA5-10029, RRID:AB_2556609 IHC (1:200)
Antibody Rat monoclonal anti CD11b, Alexa Fluor 488 eBioscience Cat. #: 53-0112-82, RRID:AB_469901 IHC (1:50)
Peptide, recombinant protein human M-CSF Invitrogen Cat. #: PHC9501
Peptide, recombinant protein Human IL3 R&D Cat. #: 203-IL-100
Peptide, recombinant protein human IL-34 Peprotech Cat. #: 200–34
Peptide, recombinant protein human CX3CL1 Peprotech Cat. #: 300–31
Peptide, recombinant protein human TGFb1 R&D Cat. #: 7666-MB-005
Peptide, recombinant protein human TGFb2 R&D Cat. #: 7346-B2-005
Peptide, recombinant protein human BMP-4 GIBCO Cat. #: PHC9534
Peptide, recombinant protein human SCF Miltenyi Biotec Cat. #: 130096692
Peptide, recombinant protein human VEGF GIBCO Cat. #: PHC9394
Chemical compound PLX5622 Plexxikon PLX5622 was provided by Plexxikon Inc and formulated in AIN-76A standard chow by Research Diets Inc 1200 mg/kg in chow
Chemical compound NaIO3 Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: S4007
Chemical compound BSA Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: A2153
Chemical compound FBS Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: A3160702
Chemical compound Ketamine Anased Cat. #: NDC13985-584-10
Chemical compound Xylazine Anased Cat. #: NDC59399-110-20
Chemical compound Topical tropicamide Alcon Cat. # 215340
Chemical compound Phenylephrine Alcon Cat. l# 215664
Chemical compound 0.5% Proparacaine HCL Sandoz Cat. #: 101571
Chemical compound Surcrose Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: S7903-5KG
Chemical compound OCT Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: 23-730-571
Chemical compound Fluorescein AK-FLUOR Akorn Cat. #: 17478-253-10
Chemical compound Tamoxifen Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: T5648-5G
Chemical compound HBSS Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: H8264-1L
Chemical compound L-(+)-Cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate Fisher Cat. #: C562-25
Chemical compound Papain, lyophilized Worthington Biochemical Cat. #: LS003119
Chemical compound DNAse I Worthington Biochemical Cat. #: LS006333
Chemical compound Superoxide dismutase Worthington Biochemical Cat. #: LS003540
Chemical compound Catalase Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: C1345-1G
Chemical compound (+)-α-Tocopherol acetate Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: T-1157-1G
Chemical compound Gentamicin solution Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: G1397-10ml
Chemical compound D-(+)-Glucose Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: G7021-100g
Chemical compound Antipain dihydrochloride Roche Cat. #: 11004646001
Chemical compound HEPES Invitrogen Cat. #: 15630080
Chemical compound EDTA KD medical Cat. #: RGC-3130
Chemical compound RNAlater solution Ambion Cat. #: AM7021
Chemical compound Triton X-100 Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: X100100ml
Chemical compound Tween 20 Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: P1379-100ml
Chemical compound Paraformadehyde Fisher Scientific Cat. #: 50-259-97
Chemical compound Donkey serum Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: D9663-10ml
Chemical compound Goat serum Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: G9023-10ml
Commercial assay or kit Bloking Reagent Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: 11096176001
Commercial assay or kit In Situ Cell Death Detection Kit, TMR red Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: 12156792910
Commercial assay or kit Ib4 Alexa Fluor 568 Invitrogen Cat. #: I21412 IHC (1:200)
Commercial assay or kit Ib4 Alexa Fluor 647 Invitrogen Cat. #: I32450 IHC (1:200)
Commercial assay or kit DAPI Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: D9542 IHC (1:200)
Commercial assay or kit Mounting medium without DAPI Vector Cat. #: H-1000
Commercial assay or kit Mounting medium with DAPI Vector Cat. #: H-1200
Commercial assay or kit RNeasy Mini Kit QIAGEN Cat. #: 74104
Commercial assay or kit Rnase free Dnase set QIAGEN Cat. #: 79254
Commercial assay or kit First strand cDNA synthesis Takara Cat. #: 6110A
Commercial assay or kit MessageBooster cDNA synthesis kit Epicentre Cat. #: MB060110
Commercial assay or kit Fast SYBR Green Master Mix Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: 4385617
Commercial assay or kit LiDirect Lightening genotyping kit LifeSci Cat. #: M0015
Commercial assay or kit eBioscience Flow Cytometry Staining Buffer Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: 00-4222-57
Commercial assay or kit X-VIVO-15 medium Lonza Cat. #: BEBP02-061Q
Commercial assay or kit DMEM:F12 medium Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: 11330057
Commercial assay or kit mTeSR1 Stemcell technologies Cat. #: 85850
Commercial assay or kit N2 supplement Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: 17502048
Commercial assay or kit Non-essential Amino Acids (NEAA) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: 11140050
Commercial assay or kit GlutaMax Supplement Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: 35050061
Commercial assay or kit Geltrex Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: A1413301
Commercial assay or kit TrypLE Express Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: 12605010
Commercial assay or kit Rho-kinase inhibitor Y-27632 abcam Cat. #: ab143784
Commercial assay or kit mFreSR Stemcell technologies Cat. # 05854
Commercial assay or kit Stem Cell Dissociation Reagent ATCC Cat, #: ACS-3010
Commercial assay or kit Stem Cell Freezing Media ATCC Cat. #: ACS-3020
Commercial assay or kit Penicillin-Streptomycin Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: 15140122
Commercial assay or kit pHrodo Red E. coli BioParticles Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: P35361
Commercial assay or kit pHrodo Red Zymosan Bioparticles Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: P35364
Commercial assay or kit Bovine rod outer segment Invision Bioresources Cat. #: 98740
Commercial assay or kit Vybrant DiI Cell-Labeling Solution Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: V22885
Commercial assay or kit Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: L2630
Commercial assay or kit RIPA lysis buffer Sigma-Aldrich Cat. #: R0278
Commercial assay or kit proteinase inhibitor mixture Calbiochem Cat. #: 539132
Commercial assay or kit Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat. #: 23227
Commercial assay or kit Milliplex bead assay kit Millipore Cat. #: MCYTOMAG-70K
Commercial assay or kit AggreWellsTM800 Stemcell technologies Cat. #: 34825
Software ImageJ ImageJ ( RRID:SCR_003070
Software GraphPad Prism7 GraphPad Prism ( RRID:SCR_015807 Version 7
Software IPA QIAGEN RRID:SCR_008653
Software JMP JMP RRID:SCR_014242 Version 12