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. 2024 Nov 12;12:1418690. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1418690

Table 1.

Participant characteristics.

Variable Total sample Ages 18–49 years Ages ≥ 50 years
(n = 469) (n = 350) (n = 119)
Frequency Range Frequency Range Frequency Range p-value
Age (N = 469), mean, (SD) 41.04 (11.6) 20–70 35.52 (7.1) 20–49 57.29 (5.38) 50–70
Age group, no. (%)
Less than 50 years 350 (74.6)
50 years and older 119 (25.4)
Gender (N = 462), no. (%)
Man/male 256 (55.4) 187 (54.2) 69 (59.0)
Woman/female 204 (44.2) 156 (45.2) 48 (41.0)
Gender nonconforming 2 (0.4) 2 (0.6) 0 (0.0)
Race (N = 425), no. (%)
American Indian/Alaskan native 13 (3.1) 5 (1.6) 8 (7.6)
Black or African American 14 (3.3) 4 (1.3) 10 (9.5)
Native Hawaiian or other pacific Islander 5 (1.2) 5 (1.6) 0 (0.0)
Asian 1 (0.2) 1 (0.3) 0 (0.0)
White 374 (88.0) 291 (90.9) 83 (79.0)
Multiracial 18 (4.2) 14 (4.4) 4 (3.8)
Ethnicity (N = 377), no. (%)
Hispanic/Latino 51 (13.5) 37 (12.9) 14 (15.4)
Non-Hispanic/Latino 326 (86.5) 249 (87.1) 77 (84.6)
Employment status (N = 462), no. (%)
Unemployed 165 (35.7) 132 (38.2) 33 (28.4)
Part-time 77 (16.7) 62 (17.9) 15 (12.9)
Full-time 106 (22.9) 98 (28.3) 8 (6.9)
On disability 114 (24.7) 54 (15.6) 60 (51.7)
Reason for entering treatment (N = 452), no. (%)
Painkillers then heroin 284 (62.8) 235 (67.9) 49 (46.2)
Heroin then painkillers 32 (7.1) 17 (4.9) 15 (14.2)
Heroin only 85 (18.8) 59 (17.1) 26 (24.5)
Painkillers only 43 (9.5) 35 (10.1) 8 (7.5)
Pain only (no SUD) 8 (1.8) 0 (0.0) 8 (7.5)
Age at first use (N = 422), mean, (SD) 22.91 (8.7) 8–60 21.27 (6.4) 10–47 28.51 (12.4) 8–60
Pain severitya (N = 443), mean, (SD) 4.56 (2.9) 0–10 4.31 (2.8) 0–10 5.36 (3.0) 0–10 0.001
Pain interferenceb (N = 447), mean, (SD) 3.95 (3.1) 0–10 3.51 (2.9) 0–10 5.35 (3.2) 0–10 <0.001
Self-rated healthc (N = 442), mean, (SD) 3.33 (0.9) 1–5 3.24 (0.9) 1–5 3.60 (1.0) 1–5 <0.001
Past 6-month physical activityd (N = 396), no. (%) 0.019
Hardly any physical activity 43 (10.9) 30 (9.7) 13 (14.9)
Mostly sitting, sometimes a walk or light gardening 52 (13.1) 38 (12.3) 14 (16.1)
Light physical exercise around 2–4 h/week 100 (25.3) 76 (24.6) 24 (27.6)
Moderate exercise 1–2 h/week, or > 4 h of light activity 108 (27.3) 87 (28.2) 21 (24.1)
Moderate exercise at least 3 h/week 50 (12.6) 40 (12.9) 10 (11.5)
Hard or very hard exercise regularly and several times/week 43 (10.9) 38 (12.3) 5 (5.7)
Total depression and anxiety scoree (N = 414), mean, (SD) 5.32 (3.7) 0–12 5.30 (3.8) 0–12 5.41 (3.4) 0–12 0.792
Depression scoref (N = 418), mean, (SD) 2.62 (1.9) 0–6 2.58 (2.0) 0–6 2.74 (1.9) 0–6 0.471
Anxiety scoreg (N = 430), mean, (SD) 2.71 (2.0) 0–6 2.73 (2.1) 0–6 2.65 (1.9) 0–6 0.753

SUD = substance use disorder. aPain Severity was measured using the West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory and scores range from 0 (no pain) to 10 (most intense). bPain Interference was also measured using the West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory and scores range from 0 (none) to 10 (extreme interference). cSelf-rated Health was measured from a single item where scores ranged from 1 (excellent) to 5 (poor). dPast 6-Month Physical Activity was measured using the 6-level Physical Activity Scale where scores ranged from 1 (hardly any physical activity) to 6 (hard or very hard exercise regularly and several times a week). Responses of 4–6 correspond to the World Health Organization’s recommended levels of activity. eTotal Depression and Anxiety score was measured using the four-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-4) for anxiety and depression. Total score is determined by adding together the scores of each of the 4 items. Scores are rated as normal (0–2), mild (3-5), moderate (6-8), and severe (9-12). f,gDepression and Anxiety scores were also separately calculated based on individual items from the PHQ-4; total scores of ≥ 3 for either suggest depression or anxiety, respectively.