Fig. 4. Magnetic transport properties and the upper critical fields (Hc2) anisotropy of superconducting R-N8/S2 superlattice film.
Temperature dependence of the resistivity under different magnetic fields from 0 to 9 T (a) along c-axis and (b) in the a-b plane below 60 K. c Temperature dependence of (Hc)2 (μ0H || ab) and Hc (μ0H || c) near Tc. The purple and blue dashed lines are the corresponding linear fits. d Temperature dependence of the upper critical fields for both directions. The solid line is the data fitted around the Tc using the (modified) GL theory, and the dashed lines indicate the Pauli limit of HPauli = 1.86 Tc0. e Magnetic field dependence of the resistance measured with different magnetic field orientations at 5 K, and the top right inset shows a configuration for measurements. f Polar angular dependence of the critical magnetic field Hc2(θ) at T = 5 K. The red solid line and the blue dotted line are the fittings with the 2D-Thikham model and the 3D anisotropic G-L model. All the Hc2 data are extracted at 50% of the normal state resistance or resistivity.