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. 2024 Oct 3;19(11):1583–1597. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2024.09.001

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Dynasore induces fragmented network bursts in healthy neuronal networks similar to simulations with increased short-term depression

(A) Left: example voltage traces recorded at one electrode during a network burst (NB) detection (colored bar below) in a healthy neuronal network in vitro before (top) and after (bottom) application of Dynasore (10 μM). Right: example network firing rate traces before (top) and after (bottom) application of Dynasore (detected fragmented are indicated by colored dots).

(B) Representative network firing rate trace when Dynasore is applied to healthy neuronal networks in vitro at t = 105 s. Purple dots are detected fragments, when two dots appear during one increase in firing rate, two fragments are detected in one NB.

(C) Left: example voltage traces recorded in silico by one virtual electrode during a simulation with basal values for short-term synaptic depression (STD) (top) and increased values for STD (bottom). Right: example network firing rate traces of simulations with basal values for STD (top) and increased values for STD (bottom).

(D) Representative network firing rate trace when the amount of STD is increased in silico at t = 100 s.

(E) Quantification of the change when applying Dynasore in vitro (n = 10) and increasing STD in silico (n = 10) of the number of fragments per NB (# Fragments/NB), the NB duration (NBD), the NB rate (NBR), and the coefficient of variation of the inter burst intervals (CVIBI). ns p > 0.05, p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001, ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001, two-way ANOVA with uncorrected Fisher’s LSD for multiple comparisons was performed between groups.