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. 2024 Nov 26;22(11):e9090. doi: 10.2903/j.efsa.2024.9090


Data on import, landings and consumption of marine water finfish species in the EU.

Marine fishes common names Latin names (family/species) Landings volume (kg), 2021 Imports to EU (kg, 2023) Per capita consumption of wild fish (kg, LWE) EU, 2021 Household consumption of fresh products, EUMOFA 2021
Anchovy Engraulidae 104,776,120 52,565,535 10,323,964
Brill Scophthalmus rhombus 1,828,600
Cod Gadidae 16,489,680 648,257,344 1.75 59,113,954
Dab Limanda limanda 4,354,410 13,763
Eel, Cusk Genypterus blacodes 1,012,340 4,825,508
Eel Anguillidae 770,200 4,722,064
Flounder, European Platichthys flesus 18,000,580 1,732,435
Grenadier Macrouridae 1,112,270 15,869,999
Gurnard Triglidae 10,011,030
Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus 14,563,780 35,270,529 946,662
Hake Merlucciidae 143,063,080 280,808,552 1.02 68,160,374
Halibut, Atlantic Hippoglossus hippoglossus 299,420 3,808,625
Halibut, Greenland Reinhardtius hippoglossoides 7,318,170 46,902,426
Herring Clupeidae 492,290,670 520,769,903 1.00 4,601,847
Horse mackerel, Atlantic Trachurus trachurus 76,929,490 26,109,454
John dory Zeus faber 2,740,000
Ling Lotidae 3,181,310 10,879,583
Mackerel Scombridae 222,009,970 355,396,879 0.53 32,731,456
Megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis 15,074,920 10,825,031
Monk Lophiidae 35,459,700 41,128,258 12,110,118
Mullet, Red Mullidae 14,985,760
Picarel Spicara smaris 1,988,110
Plaice, European Pleuronectes platessa 37,230,580 32,294,527
Pollack Pollachius pollachius 2,874,530 3,773,009
Pounting (=Bib) Trisopterus luscus 5,606,340
Ray Rajidae 15,533,030 5,346,570
Redfish Berycidae, Sebastidae 11,625,700 66,081,879
Saithe (=Coalfish) Pollachius virens 12,707,860 163,051,674 0.36 10,315,553
Salmon Salmonidae 0.15
Sardine Sardina pilchardus 170,590,560 162,945,428 0.54 51,112,532
Scabbardfish Trichiuridae 5,028,800 1,750,880
Seabass, European Dicentrarchus labrax 4,485,310 84,739,788 39,034,591
Seabream, Gilthead Sparus aurata 3,397,350 124,167,733 77,233,743
Smelt Osmeridae 5,294,750
Sole, common Solea solea 17,122,230 13,437,914
Sprat Sprattus spp. 319,583,330 60,477,577
Swordfish Xiphias gladius 20,686,800 48,265,115 9,475,634
Toothfish Dissostichus mawsoni 140,240 2,348,213
Trout Salmonidae 0.01
Tuna all species Scombridae 297,007,240 912,412,724 2.84
Turbot Scophthalmus maximus 3,729,710 10,230,750
Weever Trachinidae 1,113,320
Whiting Merlangius merlangus 15,737,430 8,088,909 3,585,404
Amberjack, Greater Seriola dumerili
Wolffish, Atlantic Anarhichas lupus
Barracuda Sphyraena
Blue butterfish Stromateus fiatola
Capellin Mallotus villosus
Croaker Argyrosomus regius
Cusk = tusk Brosme brosme
Dentex, Large‐eye Dentex macrophthalmus
Dogfish Squalus acanthias
Eel, Conger Conger conger
Flounder, Arrowtooth Atheresthes stomas
Greater Argentine Argentina silus
Groupers Epinephelidae
Hairtail, Largehead Trichiurus lepturus
Horse mackerel, other Carangidae
Kingklip Genypterus hubbsi
Ling, Blue Molva dypterygia
Ling, Common Molva molva
Megrim, Four‐spotted Lepidorhombus boscii
Pollock, Alaska Gadus chalcogrammus
Porgy, Red Pagrus pagrus
Scorpionfish, black Scorpaena porcus
Scorpionfish, Red Scorpaena scrofa
Seabass, Argentine Acanthistius brasiliensis
Seabream Pagrus pagrus
Sole, Senegalese Common Solea senegalensis
Weever, Greater Trachinus draco
Whiting, Blue Gadidae

Abbreviation: –, no data.