A: chromatograms of standard and ZYP extracts; A1: chromatograms of standard; A2: chromatograms of ZYP extracts. B1-B5: representative images of skin wounds at days 0 after surgery from all groups. B6-B10: representative images of skin wounds at days 7 after surgery from all groups. B11-B15: representative images of skin wounds at days 14 after surgery from all groups. B1, B6, B11: Normal group; B2, B7, B12: Model group; B3, B8, B13: ZYP group; B4, B9, B14: rhEGF group; B5, B10, B15: SSD group. C1-C2: wound closure rate at days 7 and 14 post surgery in each group. Normal group: normal rats with skin ulcer; Model group: non-intervention group after the establishment of diabetic ulcer model; ZYP group: after modelling diabetic ulcer, treatment with ZYP formula; rhEGF group: after modelling diabetic ulcer, treatment with epidermal growth factor; SSD group: after modelling diabetic ulcer, treatment with 1% sulfadiazine silver cream. ZYP: Zuyangping; rhEGF: epidermal growth factor; SSD: 1% sulfadiazine silver cream. Values are shown as mean ± standard deviation (n = 5). All the treated groups were compared with the model group using the Dunnett’s test. Student’s t-test was used to compare differences between the normal and model groups. aP < 0.05, compared with the normal group, bP < 0.05, compared with the model group.