Table 4.
Summary of findings across all outcomes for interventions with moderate certainty evidence for some benefit (KQ1)
Interventions legend: B brief (<14 week duration), CBT cognitive behavioral therapy, DH high dose (≥2 sessions or visits), DL low dose (≤2 sessions or visits), G Group, HHA home hazard assessment, I individual, L long (≥3 months or longer in duration), MP home modifications initiated by intervention provider, MS home modifications initiated by “self” (participant), MF multifactorial, SH high-intensity supervision (>1 contacts per week on average), SL low-intensity supervision (≤ contacts per week on average), T targeted, U universal, VAT vision assessment and treatment, WBV whole body vibration
Certainty legend: A = within study bias; B = across study bias; C = indirectness; D = imprecision; E = heterogeneity; F = incoherence. Lower case superscript letters indicate downrating by one level (0.5 step); uppercase indicates downrating a full level or more (red text signifying rating down 2 levels). ⊕⊕⊕⊕ = high certainty; ⊕⊕⊕⊝ = moderate certainty; ⊕⊕⊝⊝ = low certainty; ⊕⊝⊝⊝ = very low certainty
Explanation: Negative values indicate an increase (rather than reduction) in risk of outcome. Green shading indicates desirable effect, red shading indicates undesirable effect; no shading (white) indicates little-to-no difference (LTND). Intensity of shading reflects the magnitude of effect: light shading indicates that the certainty rating relates to the lower effect threshold (i.e., the effects meet or exceed this threshold) and darker shading reflects it relates to the moderate effect threshold (see text for absolute effects related to these thresholds for each outcome). Outcomes with very low certainty or no evidence are shaded in grey. To aid with interpretation, effect estimates showing LTND or with very low certainty are not reported here, but can be found in Supplementary file 2 evidence profiles