Graphical representation of the invasive fish species and their helminth parasites in Lithuania based on the data obtained in the present study and previous studies in Lithuania [16,22]. Each rectangle represents a host species with its size corresponding to the total number of fish examined during this study. Helminth species in bold represent new host records: * only Ps. parva is a new host for Paradilepis scolecina, N. fluviatilis is a new host for Acanthocephalus anguillae and N. melanostomus is a new host for Cyathocotyle prussica. Silhouettes of a bird, fish, oligochaete, and seal represent the definitive hosts of recorded species. Species found in previous studies conducted in Lithuania are underlined. Abbreviations: (ACA) Acanthocephala; (CES) Cestoda; (DIG) Digenea; (MON) Monogenea; (NEM) Nematoda.