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. 2024 Nov 16;11(11):1154. doi: 10.3390/bioengineering11111154

Table 1.

Objective physical function assessment with ML technology.

Reference Main Device to Obtain Input Data Details of Input Variable or Device Label Setting/Label Measurement Method Output Label/Sort of Task ML Technology Validation Method Metrics from Best Model Baseline Characteristics Concept
Polus et al. [53] IMU 4 sensors during TUG: above and below each knee before and 2 weeks after THA TUG > 14(6 weeks after THA) TUG/classification LDA, SVM 10-fold CV LDA: Accuracy 0.87 72 patients undergoing THA Preventing falls by predicting their risk based on TUG
Friedrich et al. [54] IMU Single sensor on the right side of the hip SPPB: score itself
TUG: <10, 11–19, 20–29
LSTM+CNN Train–val–test Accuracy (TUG) 95.9%
Accuracy (SPPB) 94.3%
20 older patients (OTAGO study) Predicting TUG on real-life IMU data
Bloomfield et al. [55] IMU+EHR ·4 sensors: above and below each knee during TUG
·Clinical information
·Patient-reported subjective measures
(Preoperative TUG—postoperative)
TUG/classification SVM, NB, RF, 10-fold CV RF: Accuracy 0.80 82 patients undergoing TKA Predicting functional recovery for appropriately adjusting patient expectations
Zhuparris et al. [56] Smartphone ·Health-related data from smartphone
·Sensor in smartphone
TUG score itself TUG/regression Elastic Net, RF, xgBoost 5-fold CV Elastic Net:
R2 0.59
38 patients with FSHD Quantifying FSHD progression with TUG
Dubois et al. [57] Depth sensor Kinect V2 placed in each room of the rehabilitation center TUG ≥ 13.5 s TUG/classification AdaBoost, NB, KNN, SVM, RF, NN Leave-one-out CV KNN, NN: Accuracy 1.0 30 older patients in a rehabilitation center Preventing fall with home-sensor data
Hasegawa et al. [58] EHR ·Clinical information mainly from EHR
·Physical measurements
SPPB ≤ 6(men)/≤9(women) as fall risk SPPB/classification Prediction One. Ver3.0.1.3 (SONY)
Train–test split Prediction One:
Accuracy 0.74
797 older patients at frailty outpatient service Comparing model performance of predicting fall risk based on SPPB
Kraus et al. [59] EHR Clinical information from HER TUG score itself TUG/regression GLM, SVM, RF, xgBoost 5-fold CV RF: MAE 2.7 103 orthogeriatric patients Predicting TUG without mobility data
Sasani et al. [60] Tabular data Components of GA TUG < 10 s, TUG ≥ 10 s, uncertain TUG/classification Decision Tree Classifier None Decision Tree Classifier: Accuracy 78% 1901 old patients undergoing cancer surgery Predicting accurately TUG score with ML
Li et al. [61] Video Stereo camera TUG score itself TUG/regression Mask R-CNN+
polynomial regression
None RE <0.1 (20 participants in 40) 40 older adults in a daycare facility Assessing the health status of the older patients with TUG
Hwang et al. [62] Tabular data Variables from physical profile and body part measurements (not from EHR) Grip strength score itself Grip strength/regression MLP regression and different polynomial regressions K-fold CV MLP regression: correlation 0.88 164 healthy young volunteers Predicting grip strength accurately to reduce the risk of upper extremity disorder
Bae et al. [63] Big Data Tabular data from Korean National Fitness Award Data from 2009 to 2019 Grip strength score itself Grip strength/regression LR, LASSO, Ridge, RF, xGBoost, Light GBM, CatBoost 5-fold CV CatBoost: MSE 16.6 107,290 participants aged over 65 Predicting grip strength without measuring
Supratak et al. [64] IMU Single sensor on the lower back 25-foot walking test in clinic Walking speed/
SVR Correlation Correlation 0.98 32 young patients with MS Validating gait speed at home against a 25-foot walking test
Soltani et al. [65] IMU+GNSS 2 sensors: on each wrist Walking speed measured by GNSS Walking speed/
LASSO (feature extraction) CV RMSE 0.05 40 healthy young volunteers Estimating walking speed with personalization
Dobkin et al. [66] IMU 2 sensors: above each ankle Walking speed measured by stopwatch Walking speed/
Sensor system (Medical Daily Activity Wireless Network algorithm) Correlation Correlation 0.98 12 patients with stroke
6 healthy participants
Acquiring quantitative data on daily performance
Mannini et al. [67] IMU Single sensor on the right shoe Walking speed manually measured Walking speed/
·Hidden Markov model
·Strap-down integration
Leave-one-out CV R2 0.96 23 healthy adults Exploring the ML method to predict walking speed
McGinnis et al. [68] IMU 5 sensors: on sacrum, bilateral thigh, and bilateral shank 6 min walking test on a treadmill Walking speed/
SVR Leave-one-out CV RMSE 0.12 (patients with MS) 17 healthy participants
30 patients with MS
Resolving the hurdle of assessing walking speed
Aziz et al. [69] IMU Single sensor inside one shoe Slow/normal/fast speed Walking speed/
RF, xgBoost, SVM Train–test split RF: Accuracy 1.0 10 healthy men Analyzing gait patterns of aged people
Atrsaei et al. [70] IMU Single sensor on the waist 10 m walk test Walking speed/
GPR Leave-one-out CV RMSE 1.10 35 participants with MS Predicting walking speed at home with IMU
Juen et al. [71] Smartphone Smartphone in waist belt at L3 6 min walking test Walking speed/
SVM, GPR Leave-one-out CV SVM: Error 3.23 28 patients with pulmonary disease
10 healthy participants
Monitoring individual health status continuously
Aziz et al. [72] Smartwatch Smartwatch on the right wrist Speed during treadmill walking: 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75 m/s Walking speed/
GPR None MAPE 4% (best, 1.0 m/s) 10 healthy young adults Assessing walking speed for preventing chronic diseases
Lee et al. [73] Optical motion capture+ EHR ·Clinical information from EHR
·Variables extracted from optical motion capture
The difference between post/pre-operative gait speed Walking speed/
GBM 10-fold CV AUC 0.86 128 female patients undergoing bilateral TKA Predicting postoperative walking speed by preoperative clinical variable
Davis et al. [74] Big Data Tabular data GSR = MGS—UGS Walking speed/
HGBR 5-fold CV R2 0.21 3925 participants from TILDA wave3 Predicting gait speed from population statistical data
Sikandar et al. [75] Image 5 ratio-based body measurement from marker free video images Slow (2 to 3 km/h), normal (4 to 5 km/h), and fast (6 to 7 km/h) Walking speed/
BiLSTM 17-fold CV Accuracy 92.79% 34 participants (OU-ISIR dataset A) Classifying walking speed with body measurements
Chen et al. [76] Image Plantar region pressure images (0.8, 1.6, 2.4 m/s) and (10, 20 min) Walking speed/
ROI+CNN Train–test split F1-score: 1.00 (first toe, 2.4 m/s for 10 min) 12 healthy young participants Detecting appropriate exercise intensity
Kidzinski et al. [77] Video Timeline keypoint data derived from OpenPose Walking speed measured by the VICON system Walking speed/
OpenPose+ (CNN/RF/Ridge) Train–val–test OpenPose+CNN: Correlation 0.73 1026 pediatric patients with cerebral palsy Simplifying the quantitative gait assessment
Lonini et al. [78] Video Below-waist videos of patients recorded by normal camera Walking speed measured by GAITRite Walking speed/
DeepLabCut(ResNet based) Leave-one-out CV Correlation 0.92 eight patients with stroke Predicting the walking speed of patients with stroke without expensive instrument

Abbreviations: ML, machine learning; IMU, inertial measurement unit; EHR, electronic health record: GA, geriatric assessment; TUG, Timed Up and Go test; SPPB, Short Physical Performance Battery; LDA, linear discriminant analysis classifier; SVM, support vector machine; LSTM, long short-term memory; BiLSTM, bidirectional long short-term memory; CNN, convolutional neural network; NB, naive Bayes classifier; RF, random forest; xgBoost, eXtreme gradient boosting; AdaBoost, adaptive boosting; KNN, k-nearest neighbors; NN, neural network; BLRA, binomial logistic regression analysis; GLM, generalized linear model; MLP, multilayer perceptron regression; LR, linear regression; GBM, gradient boosting machine; CatBoost, categorical boosting; SVR, support vector regression; GPR, gaussian process regression; HGBR, histogram gradient boosting regression; CV, cross validation; ROI, region of interest; MAE, mean absolute error; MSE, mean squared error; RMSE, root mean square error; RE, relative error; MAPE, mean absolute percentage error; AUC, area under the curve; R2, R-squared value; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; GSR, gait speed reserve; MGS, maximum gait speed; UGS, usual gait speed; GNSS, global navigation satellite systems; TKA, total knee arthroplasty; THA, total hip arthroplasty; FSHD, facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy; MS, multiple sclerosis; OU-ISIR, Osaka University Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research; TILDA, The Irish Longitudinal Study on Aging.