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. 2024 Oct 24;31(11):6577–6597. doi: 10.3390/curroncol31110486
Algorithm A1: Pseudocode of the Proposed Model Working Principle.
Input: Input image set (D), total pixel (TP), Gray Level intensity (8/16/24), number of images (I)
Output: Cancer Relapse, Cancer Non-Relapse
Initiate the image preprocessing phase-1 to calculate the blank ratio of an image from the dataset.
For t 1←I
Find the number of Blank Pixels (B)
  Find the TP
  Find the Blank Ratio (BR) as BTP×100%
  If (BR > 30%)
    Discard the image
    Keep the image
  Return D’ with a set of images having BR < 30%
Initiate the preprocessing phase-2 (CLAHE) to D’ for enhancing the intensity level contrast
Divide the original image into small, non-overlapping tiles (ST)
For t 1←ST
  Calculate the Cumulative distribution function (C) using Equation (1).
  Clip the C to limit (Clipmax) the contrast level for the current intensity
  Return image i
Form update the dataset D’ with enhanced Contrast level
Apply WMCM to D’.
For t ← 1 to I
Divide the image into sub-bands SB{LL,LH,HL, HH}
For k ← 1 to |SB|
  Find GLCM for each intensity (i,j) of the image
    GLCMSBi,j=m=1Mn=1N1, if Ha,b=i ,Ha,b=j0, Otherwise
Initiate Texture feature extraction from WMCM
For t ← 1 to I
  Calculate SGSDA, SGBDA, GLA, DLA, GLMSE, DLMSE, C, Co, E, En,H
  Calculate Texture Feature (TFi,j) for intensity (i,j)
Find TF by combining calculated TFi,j
Split the TF with test size 0.2
Apply Base Learners SVM, LR, DT, RF, AdaBoost, and XGBoost to form an initial prediction.
Apply Weighted Averaging, Hard Voting, and Soft Voting to form ensemble models.
Evaluate the trained ensemble model over Test Data
Cancer Classification.