Communication and social media
21 reports have been included in Health and Care Research Wales news stories (to 20th Nov 2022).
The Centre and its Director have featured on ITV Wales, BBC Wales News, BBC Wales Today and other local publications in Wales (Leader Live and Wrexham Live), potentially reaching audiences of 324,778 people.
Health and Care Research Wales published 185 posts on Twitter in English and Welsh since March 2021. These posts have been engaged with 1487 times including likes, shares, and link clicks.
A report on ‘ozone disinfection machines in schools’ was picked up by media [25–27].
Website and report library
The WCEC homepage was visited 7764 times by 5357 unique users (to May 2023)
The report library, which was published online from March 2022, had 2006 views from 704 unique users (to May 2023)
Public symposia
3 online Public Symposia were held and 70–80 people participated at each event. Stakeholders were involved as panel members for questions.
Evidence into Practice Symposium: The effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Education, Children and Young People. December 2021
A Year of Impact (This event included breakout groups to identify participants’ COVID-19 priority questions). March 2022
Unequal impact, Fairer Recovery. Findings from evidence reviews on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on groups including women and girls, lesbian, gay, bisexual, non-binary, intersex, asexual, aromantic, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ+) people, disabled people, prison and homeless populations, and racism in the NHS. September 2022
Public engagement
WCEC had a stand (providing information about the Centre, the reports and the public partnership group) at 2 public engagement events organised by HCRW (268 and 532 attendees). These activities were supported by members of the WCEC Public Partnership Group. |
Publication of reports
Tracking the metrics of reports published on MedRxiv indicated that the reports were widely viewed and accessed: e.g. In the first week, the rapid review of ‘What interventions or best practice are there to support people with Long COVID, or similar post-viral conditions or conditions characterised by fatigue, to return to normal activities’, achieved 174 pdf downloads, had a blog in ’Medical Science News’, and was included in a news roundup from the ME Association [28–30].
2 peer-reviewed papers were published from rapid evidence review work.
The WCEC core team and partners presented about the Centre and findings of reviews 54 times to various groups, in addition to presentations at evidence briefing sessions and stakeholder meetings. |