Co-transcription and in situ hybridization analyses of orf116b. (A) Gene structure of orf116b in J4A. The figure shows the template region which the primers target. (B) PCR validation of orf116b co-transcription with the upstream rpl2 gene and the downstream rpl5. M, Maker 2000; Lane 1, J4B anther cDNA as template and 2O F/R primers (no co-transcription between orf116b and rpl2 in J4B); Lane 2, J4A anther cDNA as template and 2O F/R primers (co-transcription of orf116b and rpl2 in J4A); Lane 3, J4B anther cDNA as template and 5O F/R primers; Lane 4, J4A anther cDNA as template and 5O F/R primers. In situ hybridization of orf116b on the cross-sections of J4B (control) (C) and J4A (positive) (D) Anthers at pollen mother cell stage. The analysis proves that orf116b is expressed in J4A. Ep, exodermis; En, endoderm; ML, middle-level; T, tapetum; PMC, pollen mother cell.