Figure 3.
Oscillatory source-level EEG results for alert and orienting attention. (a) Between-group one-way ANOVA results for alert oscillation effects. (b) Between-group one-way ANOVA results for orient oscillation effects. The significant activation areas in HC and AD were marked as yellow and blue, respectively (family-wise error corrected p < 0.05). Four frequency bands were chosen for oscillation source-level analyses: theta band: 4–7 Hz, alpha band: 8–13 Hz, beta band: 14–30 Hz, gamma band: 31–100 Hz. The alerting attention of EEG source results was defined as ‘Alert = neutral cue-no cue’ with fMRI as priors. The orienting attention of EEG source results was defined as ‘Orient = spatial cue-neutral cue’ with fMRI as priors. The time window of alert or orienting attention was cue-evoked potentials from pre-stimulus 100 ms to post-stimulus 200 ms.