The effect of ambient pH on the growth (A), total ROS generation (B), BCL intensity (C,D) respiratory activity (E), and alternative oxidase induction (F) in Y. lipolytica W29 yeast grown at various pHs. (A)—absorbance was assessed in cell suspension at the wavelength of 590 nm (A590); (B)—fluorescence intensity (units), reflecting total ROS generation in 60 min after the cell staining with H2DCF-DA at various pHs (blue columns). Cells exposed to pro-oxidant 600 μM AAPH were used as the positive control (brown columns). The incubation medium for the experiments contained 50 mM KPi, and 1% glucose, pH 5.5. Δ—statistically significant difference compared to the corresponding control, p < 0.005. Values are mean ± S.E.M from 5–6 independent experiments.