Table 2.
Literature data on the effect of INSTIs on gut microbiota in PLWH.
Study Title | Author | Publication Year | Participants | INSTI Mediated Alpha Diversity Changes | INSTI Mediated Beta Diversity Changes | INSTI Mediated Changes in Microbiome Composition | Stool Sample Analysis | INSTI Mediated Change on Bacterial Translocation or Systematic Inflammation Markers |
Integrase Inhibitors Partially Restore Bacterial Translocation, Inflammation and Gut Permeability Induced by HIV Infection: Impact on Gut Microbiota | Villoslada-Blanco et al. [101] |
2022 | PLWH on INSTI treatment vs. ART-naïve PLWH vs. seronegative controls | INSTI restored alpha diversity (Chao1) | Seronegative controls differed significantly independent of ART treatment |
16S rRNS gene sequencing |
Impact of HIV infection and integrase strand transfer inhibitors-based treatment on the gut virome | Villoslada-Blanco et al. [97] |
2022 | PLWH on INSTI treatment vs. ART-naïve PLWH vs. seronegative controls | INSTI restored alpha diversity among bacteriophages (Fisher’s alpha indexes) | Seronegative controls differed significantly independent of ART treatment regarding bacteriophage composition |
16S rRNS gene sequencing | - |